Chapter 16

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"A dying man's wish can destroy the whole world. So imagine what happens when two make the same wish?"


Many centuries ago, on the night of a moon eclipse, a small baby boy was born in a tiny broken hut, whose cries were heard by all in the darkness of the night, breaking the eerie silence.

The boy was born to a family of farmers, battling poverty and the harsh demand of the cruel land they tried to wield, the land that refused to flourish, let alone let a small weed grow on it. For land does not flourish without rain, and in these parts of the land, rain was a rarity.

But that night, as the baby's cries rang through the village, the heavens opened up their gates, pouring rain down like waterfall, as if the heavens themselves were crying, whether that was in sorrow or joy, only the heavens know.

But for the villagers who had prayed endlessly for rainfall, this was nothing short of a miracle. They cried in joy that the heavens had finally heard their prayers and granted their wishes.

Not one person stopped to think that the rain started falling at the exact time the baby started crying. For ordinary humans believed in heaven and its grace, rather than miracles in the form of a baby boy.

The boy was named Park Jimin, son of Park Jungmin and Park Song, mere farmers who had nothing to their name but a tiny broken hut and a barren land.

Years passed, and Park Jimin grew up to be a sweet and kind boy of 6 years old, when the magic deeply embedded in his veins started pouring out.

First, it was the snow that started falling in the middle of summer, on one of the hottest days of the year, just after Jimin said he wished it would snow.

Then it was the river that had dried over night, simply because Park Jimin had fallen in it by mistake.

The villagers started to gossip about the Park boy who had angrily told the river that it should not exist.

Little, unexplained miracles that all revolved around the Park boy.

These villagers, who didn't have any wizards or witches in their midst, couldn't figure out whether the Park boy was cursed or blessed.

And so the news spread. From one village to another, until it reached the ears of magic weilders, the wiccan community.

A deal was made. The Park boy was sold off to the wiccans for 20 cattles and 2 acres of land.

Not once did Park Jimin's family stop to think that they were selling their own flesh and blood.

For them, it was a good deal. They got rid of the cursed child in exchange for wealth.

Park Jimin, who was bought by the wiccans, was given a new name, Bazious. He was young and intelligent, capable beyond his years.

It was only when Bazious turned 15 winters old, that the wiccan community realized that the boy that they had bought had powers beyond their understanding.

Magic as powerful as his could only mean one thing, that he was blessed.

At the age of 15, Bazious become one of the very few original wizards.

For original wizards were wizards born in a family of no prior magical history, with magic so powerful that is thrummed in their veins.

As the years went by, the land started to divide itself. War ensured between the different species.

The wiccan community refused to participate, for they did not desire a kingdom or power. They simply desired knowledge.

The war ended and left two clear winners, the werewolves and the vampires. Two species that were as vicious and power hungry as the other.

A truce was called and a peace treaty made. The werewolf king and the Vampire king forged a friendship that stayed strong for nearly a century.

In between this time, Bazious casted a magical spell onto himself, a spell that kept him locked at the same age. He started traveling, visiting the two kingdoms and all that lay beyond those kingdoms.

He made some friends and gained a few enemies. Just like every other Wizard, he earned a reputation for himself. While others were viewed as wicked and some kind, Bazious was viewed as gentle and compassionate and maybe, just a tad bit reckless.

Bazious may have been reckless and a bit temperamental, but he was also a firm believer of fate.

He would never meddle with fate. He will not try to change something that fate had decided. Every vision he had had, every little peak into the future, he had kept it under lock and key. Never trying to change anything that may meddle with fate.

Perhaps that's why he was the most upset when a puny creature decided he was going to play God and change fate's design.

So when the peace treaty between the kingdoms broke because of a stupid King's ego and pride, Bazious held back his rage and smiled.

He wanted to destroy a lot of things that day, but he didn't lift a finger. He didn't need to.

For on that day a curse was born. A curse so potent that even the gods had kneeled in front it.

It was a dying man's anguish, and rage  that had given birth to the curse. When the curse was spoken, It wasn't unbreakable. Any original wizard could have broken it or found a loophole.

But it was Bazious that had stood beside the body of the dying man and placed a binding everlasting spell on the curse itself that no power on earth can change it, neither can any one, not even fate itself break it.

On the same night that the curse was born, Bazious made a prophecy, one that was proclaimed by the heavens, decided and accepted by fate, and one that Bazious will do everything to bring to life.

Just like the curse, the prophecy was made because of the pain and longing of another dying soul that had reached the heavens itself.

And this was the burden that Bazious, or rather, as you dear readers have come to know him as, Park Jimin beared.

To make sure the curse and the prophecy is fulfilled.

On that night, the Gentle and compassionate wizard Bazious gained a new name and a new reputation.

He was called Bazious, the harbinger of Doom.

It was said that he laid seige to every man on that battlefield, not caring if it was a Vampire or a werewolf. He lacked mercy and he didn't hesitate to kill.

Bazious never denied it, instead, he accepted the title with his head held high.

For how will the curse and the prophecy come to pass if the real identity of the man who laid the siege was revealed.

It was finally time to align all the players and play fate's game.

After all, sins of the past need to be paid in full, no matter how much of a bloody carnage it ends up in.

Hello lovelies

A little insight into Bazious/ Park Jimin's life. And it may contain important information that ties the story together.

As always, if you have any theories, please do not comment here. You can email it to me or just send me a dm on instagram.

Happy reading. And sorry about the wait.

Writing isn't coming to me easily after all that has happened, as you may be aware.

So I'm taking it one day at a time. There are good days where I want to write a little. And bad days where I cannot bring myself to even think about writing.

But I am getting better.

You all take care my lovelies.

We have our moon back so let's celebrate. It wont be long before we get all the seven of them home together. Lets wait for the other six angels.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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