Chapter 11

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"Sometimes you have to play the fool, to fool the fool, who thinks they are fooling you"


"I have to WHAT?", Taehyung's deep voice echoed in a loud yell that vibrated through the empty throne room, making Namjoon wince slightly.

But then again, Namjoon should have been expecting this exact reaction after the preposterous proposal he made.

"Tae.... listen..", Namjoon tried to explain but Taehyung was done listening.

"No... no way. Hyung, you can ask anything else of me expect that. I am not shifting into that bloodsucker's room. No way!"

Namjoon sighed, a headache already forming. Taehyung was many things, sure, but unreasonable and stubborn should have been his middle names.

"Prince Taehyung, please let the King explain", Yoongi spoke, noticing how tired the king looked.

Taehyung huffed, frustrated. It was one thing to marry a bloodsucker for political reasons, but living in one room with the bloodsucker, it would be an absolute disaster.

"Fine. My answer will still be no. But by all means, explain"

Namjoon shook his head in exasperation.

"Tae. If you move in with Prince Jungkook, you can make sure that he is safe. Infact, it will be the safest thing for him. We cannot afford anything happening to Jungkook. Please understand."

Taehyung rose an eyebrow, "if it's his safety that you are worried about, then I can assure you I will take care of it. There is no need for us to live together in a room for that."

Namjoon pursed his lips, a glint of mischief in his eyes, "alright. Fine. Guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands. As your king, Prince Taehyung, I order you to live with your mate in one shared chambers. It is your duty to cater to the needs of your betrothed, surely, you haven't forgotten that you are married to the Vampire prince. You both have... ah.. needs that require you to share a bed."

"Wh- HYUNG!", Taehyung's eyes were wide as a saucer, ears turning a bright pink as embarrassment flooded his veins at the implications behind Namjoon's words.

Namjoon chuckled, turning his head to face an equally amused Yoongi.

"See yoongi, the crown prince seems to have forgotten what marriage entails. Marking is not the only step to solidifying the mate bond. The crown prince needs to mate with Prince Jungkook, otherwise it would be of no use."

Yoongi nods as Taehyung stares with wide eyes at the King, his mind going blank at the absurdity of it all.

"Say," Namjoon begins with a serious tone, a finger coming to rest on his cupid's bow, "since the crown prince refuses to even share a bed with his betrothed, should I use my authority as the king to order him to complete the mating process? That would solve our current dilemma, won't it, Commander Min?"

Yoongi presses his lips in a thin line tightly, trying to hold his laughter in. The  king can be quite manipulative to get what he wants. Which is exactly what happens what Prince Taehyung yields to the King's demand.

"NO!", Taehyung nearly screams before he clears his throat, bowing politely but all the while gritting his teeth in anger, "your majesty, there will be no need for such... extreme measures. I will gladly share a room with the Vampire prince, if that is what you desire".

Namjoon hums, hiding his smirk with the back of his hand as he turns to look at Yoongi.

"Commander Min, since the crown prince had agreed, get the west outer palace ready. Prince Taehyung and Prince Jungkook shall live there from now onwards. Get the best guards of your choosing stationed outside the palace. Pick your best soldiers for their protection at all times. I do not want a single scratch on both of them. Is that understood?"

Yoongi bows his head, "Yes, your majesty"

It takes Taehyung a couple of seconds to understand the King's words, "wait, what? The outer palace? I thought I just had to share a room with the bloodsucker! Not a whole damn palace!"

Namjoon stands, smiling mischievously, "I changed my mind, Prince Taehyung. Maybe if you had agreed when I had made the proposal instead of opposing it, I would have stopped at just the room.  Though, if you are still opposed to the idea , then perhaps I should add a few more conditions to my liking?"

Taehyung stills before shaking his head hurriedly, "ofcourse not, hyung. I mean, your majesty. I shall get ready to move into the outer palace. No need for any more conditions. May I be excused now?"

Namjoon nods and Taehyung doesn't waste a second before leaving the throne room.

Yoongi cannot help the chuckle that escapes him and Namjoon joins in with a bellowing laughter of his own.

"It seems, your majesty, that you have not lost your touch with getting the crown prince to agree to your terms at all.", Yoongi smiles at Namjoon.

"Ah, yoongi-yah, no need to be so formal. Its only us in here. And yes, he may be stubborn, but he is still my little brother. I know exactly what buttons to push to get him to be compliant."

Yoongi starts walking alongside the King as they make their way out of the throne room.

"But Namjoonah, I don't understand the need to make Taehyung and the Vampire prince live together. You know it as well as I do, it will be a disaster.", Yoongi voices out his concern. It is a valid point. The Crown Prince and Vampire Prince don't exactly see eye to eye. But then again, vampires and werewolves never really get along.

"I understand what you mean, yoongi-yah", Namjoon says, "I have a good reason though. As much as it will guarantee Prince Jungkook's safety, it will also serve another purpose"

Yoongi frowns in confusion, "another purpose?"

Namjoon hums, " Yes. Do you remember the wizard Jung?"

Yoongi nods, "who doesn't remember him? He is known to be the greatest wizard alive but no one has seen him in a long while."

Namjoon nods, continuing, "Yes. He visited me on the day of the wedding. There is a prophecy, Yoongi-yah. And I believe it's imperative that Taehyung and Jungkook get along otherwise, we all will be doomed"

Sensing the gravity and seriousness of Namjoon's tone, Yoongi cannot help but feel a new sense of fear.

The wizard Jung was known for his accuracy regarding his prophecies. Trained by the last remaining first wizard, he was skilled in almost everything, though prophecies was his strongest attributes.

The wizard who took him in as an apprentice was a master seer as well as a talented wizard, and Jung Hosoek picked up on that skill as well. After Hoseok's master suddenly disappeared without a trace, the wizard Jung only grew more powerful.

If he had made a prophecy, then one thing was for sure. Sooner or later, it will come true.

All Namjoon and Yoongi can do right now was wait and try to make things a little easy.

There is no undoing the prophecy. Only one person had the ability to alter it, and that person was the wizard Jung's teacher who has disappeared a long time ago.

Thus, there was nothing else that could be done.

Fate, afterall, has a very twisted sense of humor.

Hello my babies. Sorry for the late update. Life is kinda hectic rn. I had free time today as it was the King's day in NZ so a public holiday for me.

Hope you liked this chapter. There are clues in this chapter too.

As always, please if you do manage to unravel the mystery then just message me personally. Do not comment it here. It ruins the fun for the other readers.

Thanks for reading my lovelies.



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