Chapter 12

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"Watch the hunter become the prey"


It's been precisely 1 week and 2 days since Jungkook arrived in the werewolf kingdom. Since his arrival, he has had one assasination attempt, has been shunned by the occupants of the werewolf castle to not roam its walls just because they fear a Vampire, has been caged in the 4 walls of his bedroom and has had only a few interactions with his husband.

Thus, it could be said with surety that Jungkook had left his prison at the Vampire kingdom, only to enter another prison here at the werewolf kingdom. And if he is being honest, this prison is worse than the one he had before.

At least when he was at the vampire kingdom, he knew what to expect. The vampires there were not welcoming in any sense, had always treated him like dirt, and that was all fine because Jungkook expected it. The vampires didn't hide their contempt of him.

Here, though, jungkook does not know what to expect from the werewolves. The words they utter are kind, but their actions and lingering gazes of fear and distrust say otherwise.

Pretense, Jungkook has come to know, can be much more dangerous than any other threat. People can pretend to be a friend and yet have a knife hidden behind their backs, only to plunge it deep in your back once you are unguarded.

Jungkook hates this. This game of pretense that the werewolves play with him. He would rather they treat him like the outcast he is and be harsh about it, then pretend to be kind and welcoming only to harbor hatred hidden in their words.

The only person in this whole damn kingdom that hasn't pretended to be kind is well, surprisingly, Prince Taehyung.

Jungkook won't lie. He is extremely glad that the person he accepted as his chosen beloved is not a lying, manipulative man. He'll take Taehyung's harsh words, angry glares, and looks of contempt any day over pretense of kindness.

Which is why when King Namjoon had offered Jungkook the opportunity to leave the main palace to go stay in another residence, he had jumped at the chance.

Living separately meant no need to stay caged in his room, no nosy werewolves always watching his every move and most importantly, no pretense of kindness.

Ofcourse, getting those wishes fulfilled meant bargaining with the werewolf king. Jungkook had expected it to be hard, challenging even to convince the werewolf king to allow only jimin to be there to serve him, rather than a band of servants.

Surprising, it was rather easy. All Jungkook had to promise in return was to not kill the crown prince, despite his rather prickly behavior.

Jungkook had laughed when the king had placed the condition, thinking it was a joke but it turns out that the king was serious.

King Namjoon had, in a very serious tone asked (requested), "I shall accept your conditions and allow you to run the palace according to your terms, Prince Jungkook, however I do want a promise from you in return. Please try not to kill Prince Taehyung no matter how intolerable he gets. My little brother, I'm afraid, has no control over his temper."

Jungkook had promised the king then, that he shall never harm or let any harm fall the crown prince.

Which he would have done anyway regardless of the promise. You see, what werewolves are not aware of is that just like them, Vampires also pledge their soul and loyalty to the one they chose as their beloved. Just like a werewolf, a Vampire will end themselves before letting any harm fall onto their beloved. Beloved was similar to a mate afterall, the only difference is perhaps that while werewolves will die for their mates, vampires will kill for them.

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