Chapter 4

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"Prepare a casket for my soul, for once I'm done with you, death will be the most beautiful punishment"


The pungent smell of blood suffocated the air as guests mingled at the banquet after the wedding that was held in the ball room of the Vampire castle.

Thankfully, not a lot of the Werewolves stayed for the celebration, opting to return to the werewolf kingdom soon after the wedding. Even King Namjoon had taken leave, murmuring something along the lines of , "Can't leave the kingdom without its ruler for more than a day".

A bunch of bullcrap, Taehyung thinks. His brother, King Namjoon was a man of position, sure, but that didn't mean the kingdom will not survive if he spent two days away from it. Yoongi was put in charge of the Kingdom during the wedding and Taehyung knows fully well how capable his Yoongi hyung was.

So for good reason, King Namjoon's excuse was merely an excuse to avoid being in the presence of these bloodsuckers. 

Now imagine if King namjoon couldn't tolerate these vermins for more than a few hours, how the hell did he expect Taehyung to tolerate one of the same creatures for the rest of his life?

It's so tiring. Taehyung feels his insides twist at the smell of blood. It's ironic, really. He is a warrior. Someone who has killed thousands and has soaked in tons of blood of their enemy but something about drinking that same blood as a fucking beverage was just mortifying.

Taehyung's eyes scanned through the room, landing on his newly married mate who was sitting idly on the far end of the room, a bored expression on his face as if he didn't care about keeping appearances. Even with how the Vampire King kept glaring at Prince Jungkook, the vampire Prince seemed unbothered.

Taehyung was intrigued.

Prince Jungkook hadn't even pretended to like him; or to get to know him. Instead, the prince had, in a soft but firm voice muttered, "I believe I shouldn't burden you with tolerating my presence for any longer, My prince, so please excuse me."

The prince had then bowed rather carelessly and sauntered off. To say that Taehyung was stunned would be an understatement. 

His husband, it feels so weird to say that in his head, was so abashly impolite that it made him amused but also curious.

Wasn't the Vampire Prince even merely bothered of keeping his actions in check, seeing as how he was surrounded by high ranking officials from both the werewolf kingdom and the Vampire Kingdom?

Taehyung had been interacting with all the guests that had come up to him. He is a crown prince so he had to keep appearances and he was doing just that, despite the fact that he wanted to chew off the head of every vampire who dared to approach him.

Ofcourse, he wouldn't do that. Crown prince's do not act like barbarians. In front of civilians atleast.

And then there was the issue of his wolf. Taehyung cannot even bring to fathom the reasons why his wolf was acting like a love sick fool. It was so rare for a wolf to accept another person as their mate after losing the their fated one.

Usually wolves were impossible to convince but it seems like his wolf was an anamoly.

Taehyung cannot understand what it was about Prince Jungkook that had tamed his wolf, but whatever it was, it must be extraordinary.

He will admit, though, that Prince Jungkook was a rare beauty. The kind which made everything and everyone else pale in comparison.

When the mask had come off during the  marital ceremony, Taehyung had felt his heart stop for a minute and start beating again, only the rhythm of his heartbeats had increased to a faster pace.

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