Chapter 7

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Warning: Mentions of rape and violence

"Cruelty can never stay hidden"

When Jungkook was human, growing up in the palace surrounded by riches, he remembered being pampered and spoilt, day in and day out.

He remembers because he cannot forget the other part of that time, the one where he saw how riches affected the poor and vulnerable.

He was a curious kid, always eager to learn, always eager to explore. Perhaps it was this curiosity that had led him to the feeding houses situated on the palace grounds. The place where his birth mother was kept.

Jungkook remembers seeing his birth mother, once a week on an allocated day for an allocated amount of time. She was always presented in beautiful clothes, neat and tidy.

Little naive Jungkook had at that time, thought his mother was living a good life, just outside the kingdom for she could only visit once a week.

Ofcourse, that hadn't been the truth.

For on that day when his curiosity had led him to the feeding houses, he witnessed the horror that was being kept hidden from him.

He saw his mother lying on the floor, shackled to the wall with blood smeared over her clothes. He saw a Vampire, one of the palace officials forcefully tear her clothes off, beat her and then bite into her as he assaulted and raped her. He saw it all.

He was, at that time, only 10 years old.

He could never forget that incident as the days went by. And when his mother visited him again, after a few days, he looked at her closely, finally seeing the bruises that were hidden poorly by makeup, the bite marks and scratches that he otherwise would have not noticed.

When the guards had left them alone for just a moment, Jungkook had asked his mother upfront about what he saw, and despite his mother being shell shocked by the fact that Jungkook had seen everything, she had told him the truth.

The truth of how she was but just a slave who was kept forcefully by the king, how the king had raped her and it had resulted in the birth of Jungkook.

That was the day jungkook had first started to hate himself. The blood running through his veins was nothing more than a reminder of how his mother had suffered by the hands of the same man that Jungkook calls his father.

As the years went by, Jungkook grew up to be kind, cautious, and unyielding. He chose to follow the lessons that were instilled by his mother and chose to disregard the ones that were taught by his father.

After the death of his mother, jungkook vowed that he will break free from the cage of the Vampire king, no matter what happens.

Which didn't exactly go according to plan considering he was forcefully bitten and changed into a Vampire against his will.

The first feeding was something he will never forget. He had refused to feed, despite being a new changeling and that had angered his father so much that he had ordered the guards to beat and rape the women in the feeding chambers until Jungkook yielded.

The king, you see, knew Jungkook had a soft spot for the slaves and had used that weakness against Jungkook.

Jungkook had yielded under the pressure and that had became a cycle.

Everytime Jungkook went against the words of the King, the slaves in the feeding room would be punished brutally.

So jungkook learned to obey, learned to yield.

He learned to keep his mouth shut and suffer. Learned to never question the actions of the king.

One thing Jungkook didn't learn, though, was to hope.

He never stopped hoping. Hoping to break free from the cage of the Vampire royalty. Hoping to get his revenge on the Vampire King.

So when the news of his marriage with the werewolf prince had come to light, Jungkook finally saw his hope come to life.

A marriage with the werewolf  prince meant a ticket to his freedom.

Despite knowing of the enemity between the werewolves and the vampires, jungkook still felt his hope ignite more, from burning embers to a raging fire.

He knew he could handle the werewolf prince. How hard could it be anyway?

What's the worse the werewolf prince could do?

Hurt him? Jungkook has been hurt way worse in his life so whatever the prince is planning surely cannot beat that.

Kill him? Well, the werewolf prince can try. It is possible but also, not that easy.

So yeah, Jungkook doesn't fear the werewolf prince. He has no reason to.

Every dog can be tamed. And a werewolf is also part of the same dog family, isn't it?


All I have to say is that there are many layers to the innocent, sweet Vampire prince Jungkook.

Think of it like this, a devil with an angel is a beautiful combination, sure. But a devil with another devil is outerworldly, don't you think??

See ya in the next update my loves.


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