Chapter 9

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"A dog will look down when he's done wrong. A snake will look you right in the eyes and smile. "


Somewhere at a secret hideout

"What do you mean you failed?", a gruff voice exclaimed in anger, "You were supposed to kill that vampire. I made sure your men wouldn't be interrupted! You can't even do such a simple task!"

The room was lit in a faint glow of candles, the light barely enough to make out certain features of the occupants' faces, nonetheless serving its purpose.

"T-the Crown Prince intervened, apparently. None of our men made it out alive, "another man, this one shorter in height with a big belly answered in a wavering tone.

"That damn prince! Always meddling in things he shouldn't! I should have gotten rid of him ages ago. Only if I didn't need him for my master plan! Prepare another attack. This time, make sure I get to hear the good news. Otherwise, I will kill you all myself!"

The man with the big belly gulped, nodding frantically. His master was wicked, no doubt. If he fails to deliver this time around, there is no question that his master will have his head instead.

"Yes, Master," the man with the big belly answered, hurriedly leaving the hideout to go back to the palace where he served in the King's army.

The other man in the room huffed in anger. Prince Taehyung was becoming a nuisance recently. It was like the crown prince had a death wish.

The man smiled as he thought of a perfect plan. Killing two birds with one stone sounded perfect in his head. Afterall, fated mate or not, if the Vampire dies, then the crown prince will die with him.

It was honestly the most ideal solution. He needs the way to the throne to be clear of all obstacles. And if he is being honest, the crown prince was a much bigger obstacle than the Werewolf King himself.

It is time for the Crown prince to die and a new King to emerge. Killing off King Namjoon, afterall, was a piece of cake.


King Namjoon is a man of perseverance and intelligence.  His intellect and patience have always helped him in his reign as a kind and strong king, and that is something his loyal subjects have always been grateful for.

Though, However intelligent Namjoon may be, there were times when even his intelligence failed him. Such as this instance.

"How is it possible, Commander Min, that an attack took place in my castle, the fortress that is impossible to breach, where countless soldiers were positioned for the safety of the crown Prince and Prince Jungkook, and no one even caught a whiff of the intruders?"

The King's voice thundered in the throne room, making Commander Min and the rest of the high ranked soldiers bow down their head in shame.

It was a really shameful moment indeed. The soldiers were sworn to protect the royal family, most importantly, the heir to the throne from any harm and yet, they had failed in doing just that.

"It's highly unacceptable.  Prince Jungkook is under our protection. Not only that, he is now a part of the royal family. Yet, this attack happened in my castle.... under such strong security. How will we answer the vampire king when he learns of this attack?"

Namjoon watched as a few soldiers grimaced at the mention of Prince Jungkook, seemingly not pleased by the fact that they have to protect the Vampire prince.

Namjoon frowned, eyes narrowing, "is there a problem, General Hae? Did I just see you grimacing?"

General Hae was a man of arrogance. It was his fighting skills and sharp mind that had led him to holding the position of a General, but when it came to filtering his words, the man was as dumb as a mule.

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