Chapter 3

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Somewhere in the eastern wilderness, in no man's territory, in a thick, dark forest stood a small cottage, a little gray and abandoned in its appearance, hidden by the green foliage that covered it.

Inside the cottage sat a man, donned with a gown of utmost perfection, beautiful shades of purple and lilac merging together, intricate designs of gold giving it an almost godly look. The  man seemed to be looking at an orb that was placed right in front of him, almost looking like he was in a trance.

The glowing orb sparkled, radiantly showing glimpses of white and red, a hazy black covering the shining lights.

To the naked eye, it will just look as a symphony of sparkling colors, all meshed together to create a dazzling view, but for the wizard who wielded the orb, it showed the present as it was happening and the future as it will happen.

Wizards are creatures of magic, capable of many great feats but also, keepers of secrets and harsh realities. They have the ability to look into the past and the ability to see the future, but also to see the present as it unfolds, though they can never interfere, for time is unforgiving and anyone who messes with time will surely perish.

As the wizard gazes upon the happenings of the present, watching how two kingdoms prepare for a union, one that will either create a new story or repeat the old history, he couldn't help but marvel at how destiny intertwines itself in the most cruel but fascinating way.

History was repeating itself, the only difference was the circumstances and the characters.  But the main driving force was still the same. The war which began eons ago, happened for a reason and ironically, fate decided to put forth the same reason as to the end of the war.

Only this time, both the rival kingdoms were complicit in their agreement, rather than being harsh in their repudiation.

Perhaps this was fate's way of righting a wrong that had happened eons passed, but surely, it was too late?

Eons of hatred cannot be outdone just simply by a peace treaty, specially when the reason for the war isn't known by all but only a selected few.

And in that mix, fate had put forth two pawns who were completely opposites. A seemingly sweet and compliant vampire and a seemingly hot tempered and full of hatred werewolf. However, appearances can be rather deceiving.

To end the war for once and all, the two pawns need to get over their differences and make each other their home, but with how the wheels of destiny were turning, it seems like a feat that was going to be impossible to achieve.

Because one wrong move and the war will be triggered again, only this time, it will not be the werewolves at fault, but the Vampires.

"Pet", the wizard spoke softly, voice as sweet as honey and aura as powerful as that of a dragon. At his sermon, a black snake came slithering from under the table, wrapping himself onto the man's leg before slithering upwards to settle on the wizard's neck.

"Shall we go to the wedding too? It will be rather entertaining to watch the way fate lays out this play from up close, don't you think?", the wizard asked, making the snake hiss out in response.

"Ofcourse pet," the wizard replied to the hiss of his snake, "ofcourse, we are invited. No fool will dare to not invite the oldest and most powerful wizard alive, now will they? Come now, we have to look for a black attire.  It's going to be a good couple of weeks"

The snake stayed seated on its master's neck, while the wizard snapped his fingers and in the blink of an eye, his purple robe was replaced by a black robe adorned with sparkling crystals. Another snap and the wizard disappeared, along with the snake, as if he was never there in the first place.

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