Chapter 15

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"Pretense can only take you so far, once the mask falls off, the real you can be terrifying to face"


Being a Prince meant being vigilant, being smart and being strong. People will always try to take advantage of you. Be it for power, wealth or strength, pretense is one way to get others to trust you, to gain sympathy.

Taehyung had learnt early on how vile and greedy some people can be. Be it the time when he was nearly kidnapped or the time when an omega had sneaked into his chambers just to drug him and molest him. Thus, Taehyung knows what real pretense looks like. The web of lies and deceit that is very hard to hide.

From the moment that Prince Jungkook and Jimin have shared their truth with him, Taehyung had felt like there was something else they both were hiding. Call it a gut instinct, but Taehyung was sure there was an important piece of information that he was missing.

It's only a matter of time before he uncovers what's hidden, though, that's for certain.

So much about the Vampire and the wizard didn't make sense. And Taehyung will dissect that piece of information later on, for now he had more important things to focus on. Like figuring out why every damn species around them was after the Vampire prince!

It's ridiculous really. The Vampire Prince, in contrast, isn't even that important. The only interesting thing about the Vampire Prince is that he is betrothed to Taehyung.

But is that even important enough to garner so many enemies?

Taehyung can feel that there is something that isn't seeing. But he can't, for the life of him figure it out.

All he can do though, is get to the enemies before they get to the Vampire Prince.

Because no matter how much Taehyung hates Jungkook, it doesn't change the fact that Jungkook is indeed the mate his wolf has chosen for himself.

So if it means having to protect the Vampire rather than plotting to torture him, then so be it.

No one else is touching a hair on the Vampire Prince's head before Taehyung.


Back at the palace

Jimin huffs in frustration as he seals the elements around himself again, shrouding his magical abilities from view of any other magic weilder.

He knows from experience how persistent his apprentice, Hoseok was. But he cannot afford anyone to foil his years of hardwork.

Jimin can hear Jungkook trying to muffle his laughter in the background and he turns around, raising an eyebrow at the disrespectful Prince.

"Sorry hyung," Jungkook says before bursting into laughter, "I can't help it. You sounded like a really old evil villain just now. It's hilarious."

"Don't laugh at my misery you ungrateful child", Jimin chides, " I don't understand how Hoseok managed to break through my barrier. I mean, I know I taught him but I don't think I'm that great of a teacher that my student can undo my magic"

Jungkook fakegags, "that sounded an awful lot like bragging Jiminie Hyung. You have been hiding away for a while now. Your apprentice may have honed his skills during that time. He is, afterall, known as the most powerful wizard alive. "

Jimin rolls his eyes, "that's because no one knows if I'm dead or alive. Well, no one except you, Taehyung and now Hoseok. This is a big mess. First we have Vampire assassins team up with witches to come and kill your beloved prince and now Hoseok knows I'm alive and with you. I need to salvage this"

Jungkook hums, amused, " that sounds like a 'you' problem. Though, I cannot understand why we needed to lie to Taehyung. The spell of protection isn't placed on me. It wasn't me who was smelling like fucking gasoline. And yet you told him that you had placed it on me. Since when do I need protection?"

Jimin sighs, chanting a few spells as he hides the remnants of his magic around them.

"Do you think Prince Taehyung would have been pleased to know that I have placed a spell on him because he is in danger? He is a werewolf, you dimwitt. Arrogance runs in their blood. He would have flipped out because why would he, a werewolf require protection? It's for his own safety that he doesn't know. Plus, it also helps us in reaching our goal".

Jungkook starts walking towards the garden, Jimin following close behind.

"How does this help us exactly?"

Jimin smiles, "Because, my dear kookie, as long as your Prince is safe and sound, I know you will be too. Just like I know that if anything happens to him, I won't be able to control what happens next. I do not want history to repeat itself. So I will play it safe until I cannot".

Jungkook is quiet as they approach the lake in the garden. All the guards are dead so it gives him the privacy for what he needs to do. He looks at the lake once before turning to face Jimin, a little smile on his lips and his eyes all fiery.

"But it will happen nonetheless. If not now, then in the future. You know very well you cannot stop it hyung. You cannot meddle with fate. You have the power to change things, but this is something even you cannot change. It will happen. Prophecies cannot be changed. Just like curses cannot be broken. In our case, we have both. The curse will be fulfilled as will the prophecy. "

Jimin nods, his eyes now looking at the water in the lake that has started to turn red. He can only nod as Jungkook speaks:

"They have to pay for what they did hyung. Blood for blood. All of them will pay".

Hi guys!

First of all, I want to say thank you for being so patient and understanding. I appreciate your support in giving me the time to heal and get better.

In the beginning of the book, I had said there will be morally gray characters. Nearly everyone guessed it was Taehyung.

What is your guess now?

There are many layers to this story and many clues that I have tried to put throughout since chapter 1.

Let me know what you think of this chapter and if you have any theories.

I hope you like this chapter. I will be updating the next chapter soon.

Borahae my beautiful readers.


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