Chapter 2

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"A broken soul doesn't invest in boundaries because the world has crossed them, without mercy."

Shannon L. Alder


The clang of swords were the only sound in the training arena as two warriors fought it out, one with the motive of shattering the other's blade, the other with the motive of surviving the crown prince's rage.

There was no pulling back on the strength of the crown prince, who wielded the sword like an extended part of his limbs, maneuvering the moves like a personal dance that only he knew.

Crown Prince Kim Taehyung was a force  to be reckoned with.

The Crown Prince was known for his cruelty, his ruthlessness and his ignorance of all others who suffered. He cared less for the people who had enough to live with, and focused more on battle strategies and winning.

He was, in no way, a Saint.

Infact, if one was to describe the crown prince, they would say he was a scarred warrior, someone incapable of feeling remorse or empathy.

This, however, didn't deter the werewolf population from loving their crown prince, for they remembered the times when the prince was a burstling spark of joy in their little mundane world.

5 years back, the prince was very different from the tyrant he was now known as. The prince was infact, one of the most sweet and kind prince that had ever been born into werewolf royalty.

An Alpha by rank, his aura was that of a calm sea, soothing and welcoming despite its depth and currents.

But as the sea often is, the calm can very well turn into a raging storm at the blink of an eye, taking down all ships in its midst into the depths of the sea bed, never to be heard of again.

Taehyung was the sea, no doubt, but gone were that calmness and serenity, only to be left with raging winds and harsh waters.

The prince changed overnight, from a sweet and kind person to a heartless being with no care for emotional aspects.

But the people cannot blame the prince for his drastic change. Losing a mate did that to a person.

The biggest tragedy was perhaps, how the prince didn't even get a chance to meet his fated mate, or even know their name. That opportunity was snatched away from him, the red string of fate connecting the two souls shattering and leaving in its wake, a barren soul devoid of feelings.

No. The crown prince wasn't at fault.

From a young age, the prince was known to be kind, but with a wicked temper.

The current wearer of the Crown, King Namjoon had received many great traits from his father, the former king. Traits like his humility and his empathy, his genius mind and his ability to sympathize.

But Prince Taehyung, while having recieved all those traits as well, received one extra, the former King's temper.

The former king was notoriously known for his temper and his inability to control it. Taehyung was no different.

While it can be said that the prince had good control over this trait of his until the age of 20, all hell broke loose on the day he lost his mate.

Now, every werewolf was scared of Crown Prince Kim Taehyung's temper, and for good reason too.

It's ironic, really, how even the King is somewhat scared of his younger brother's lack of control over his temper, despite being the one who changed the crown prince's diapers during their childhood years.

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