Chapter 14

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"2 truths and 1 Lie, except it isn't lying if you do not know about it"


Taehyung simply stares at Jimin, and then at Jungkook who doesn't speak at all, instead seemed to be waiting for Taehyung to say something.

"You are Bazious? The ancient all powerful original wizard who disappeared long ago?", he asks, still processing that piece of information in his head and looking for any sign that the Vampire may be pranking him.

Though, if those flames that danced on Jimin's arm were any indication, there may be truth to their words afterall.

Jimin shrugs, " I won't say 'disappeared'. I simply took a vacation that may have lasted more than the time allocated to normal vacations. "

"Uh huh", Taehyung gapes. It takes him a few seconds to process everything until something clicks in his head.

"Wait. You said you are Jungkook's protector? Right?", he asks Jimin, and then looks at Jungkook for clarification.

Jimin hums, a little amused by the sheer disbelief painted on Taehyung's face.

"Yes. I have been looking after Jungkook since his birth. Though, I have had to disguise myself a couple of times as to not raise any suspicions. When he was born, I was disguised as a palace guard. I had to change appearances when the palace guards were promoted to join the official palace warriors. I took this form and disguised myself as a servant who was presented to the Vampire king as a gift. A mind controlling spell was all I needed to make the king assign me to Jungkook as his servant. I have been with him since then".

Taehyung is confused. He understands what Jimin has just told him. Sure he does. What he doesn't understand though, is the reason.

"Answer me this. Why exactly are you protecting Jungkook in the first place?"

Jimin shrugs, looking at Jungkook and smiling fondly.

"I'm simply paying a debt. Jungkook's mother saved my life many years ago. I told her that I'll be in her debt and if she ever needed my help, all she had to do was chant my name three times. She called for me when she was pregnant with Jungkook and asked me to always protect Jungkook and take care of him. Since then, I have been looking after Jungkook to the best of my abilities."

Taehyung doesn't speak next, mind in shambles because a lot of it didn't make sense.

Firstly, he couldn't help but wonder if Jungkook had the protection of such a powerful wizard, if not the most powerful one alive, then why was he even turned into a Vampire? What kind of protection is it when the wizard didn't even prevent his 'turning'?

Secondly, why would the wizard ever let Jungkook marry a werewolf when there has been various reasons not to? Like the hatred and enemity?

It just doesn't make sense.

Jungkook watches as Taehyung's face goes through various stages of emotions: disbelief, surprise, confusion and finally, determination.

He waits, patiently for Taehyung to voice out the questions that he knows are coming.

"If jungkook is supposedly in your protection, then why is he a Vampire? Shouldn't you have protected him from getting 'turned'? And why did you even let him marry me? I'm the enemy. I don't believe this bullshit about protection when clearly you failed in your so called duties"

There it was. The questions that Jungkook was waiting for. The werewolf prince was too smart for his own good.

Jimin's lips twitch as he fights to laugh. Jungkook was right after all about the werewolf being intelligent.

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