Chapter 10

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"Fear is often what shields the truth, for behind that fear is your vulnerable soul, refusing to let go"

Trigger: A little blood, I guess?


Tall trees surrounded a beautiful glimmering lake, the blue so vibrant with the moon illuminating its beauty.

On the edge of the lake stood a figure, a little too blurred to be recognized. All you could see was the silhouette, a curvy body clad in black robes, with black shoulder-length hair flowing freely in the wind.

A sweet scent permeated through the air, tantalizing and fresh, like fresh rain and... was that a flower? Taehyung couldn't tell for sure, for the scent of the river corrupted the pure scent.

Taehyung watched as the man stood watching the river and slowly turned his attention to the moon. He was speaking to it, inaudible, yet Taehyung could feel those lips moving.

Just as Taehyung felt the courage to approach the figure, it all disappeared, leaving behind just the river and the moon, silent spectators to his racing heart and jumbled thoughts.

The scene changed slowly but surely. Where the river lay, now was just a barren pit of mud, no water in sight. The trees were burned, crisp and ashes, and the grass dried, leaving behind a brown hardened soil.

Taehyung holds his breath, for he knows how this ends. How it always ends.

He follows the small trail of blood, leading him to a clearing just as barren as the rest of the forest, where he finds the figure from before, kneeling and hands bound, bloody from how tight the barbed wire was.

Another figure approaches, dressed in robes of gold and red, a shining dagger in his palms.

Taehyung can't move. He can not speak. It was like his feet were rooted on the ground, his voice gone. He wants to snap his eyes shut, wants to stop looking, but he can not. His body will not cooperate.

He watches as tears fall from his eyes, unable to stop, his heart pounding in fear and pain for he knows he is going to watch his faceless mate die, and he won't be able to do a single thing to stop it.

The figure with the dagger grips his mate's hair, pulling it back to expose his neck.

Horror grips Taehyung as the dagger slids across the pale skin, blood oozing out from the cut.

His mate chokes on the blood, garbles out a few words, none of which Taehyung understands, and as his mate falls onto the hardened soil, not breathing, Taehyung's screams of pain can be heard.

Taehyung wakes up with a jolt, drenched in sweat, throat sore, heart still pounding in fear and pain as the remnants of the nightmare still lingered behind.

The events of the nightmare had remained constant for five years. Never changing. Ever since Taehyung felt his mate bond break, this nightmare has plagued his sleep, refusing to let Taehyung forget the pain of losing his better half.

Every detail in the dream remained the same for the past 5 years, unchanging, that is until today.

Today, it was different. Just a little detail, yet, it made all the difference.

Every other time, Taehyung is unable to hear anything in the dream except those garbled noises of his mate as he choked, but today, he heard something new.


Airy, angel like giggles.

Taehyung could hear those giggles flittering through the air as his mate talked to the moon. Voice so soft, so beautiful.

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