Chapter 13

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"Got a secret, can you keep it?, Swear this one you'll save,
Better lock it in your pocket, Taking this one to the grave,
If I show you, then I know you won't tell what I said,
Cause two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead"

TW: Mentions of blood and animal heart

The Vampire Prince is the most annoying, bothersome, and downright crazy individual that Taehyung has ever had the unfortunate fate to come across.

Not only is the Vampire a fucking brat, but it seems he has a knack for pranks, something that Taehyung only recently found out when he became the victim of one such prank.


There was blood all over his bedroom floor. The metallic scent of fresh blood still lingered in his room, a stench so potent that Taehyung felt like barfing every fucking time he entered the damn room.

If that wasn't enough, there was a heart (thank the goddess it wasn't a human heart), on the damn bed. The same bed that Taehyung slept on. The heart later turned out to be that of a deer. Taehyung, until now hasn't figured out where the hell the Vampire managed to hunt down a damn deer from but that's besides the point.

The point is that next to the damn heart was a messaged written intricately on the bed, in blood might he add, which said as pompous as possible:

"Since you oh so kindly took away my privileges of being able to go out to the gardens, here's a heart to make up for the one that you seem to be missing, oh heartless husband of mine. I hope this helps fill in that gaping hole in your chest and perhaps, you may finally be able to not take away my privileges like a heartless little doggy.

Yours extremely hurt and upset husband,

So it would seem that the Vampire was like a whiny little child who threw a tantrum everytime he was denied something.

Taehyung had forbade Jungkook from going to the gardens solely because it was too in the open and could be a blind spot for assassins to attack from. Though to be fair, he hadn't exactly told Jungkook this, instead opting to say, "stop going to the gardens. Leave one place free from that bloody stench of yours."

So in return, the Vampire decided that since Taehyung hated the stench of blood so much, he was just gonna paint his room in blood and present him with a heart of a dead animal.

When Taehyung had furiously yelled at the Vampire, all Jungkook had done was shrug and replied, "Take a breather, doggy. I was doing you a favor. A heart for a heartless individual. I figured that way the stick that you have up your ass may finally come out and you would stop behaving like a damn cave animal"

Needless to say, Taehyung had grumbled a few not so nice words and sauntered off to complain to his brother who, instead of being helpful had simply laughed and told him that it served him right.

Putting all that aside, now Taehyung is very careful in the words he uses infront  of the Vampire simply because he doesn't want to find the entire carcass of a deer next.

It's in the middle of the night when Taehyung feels that something is off. His sleep was disturbed by the smell of gasoline, pungent and suffocating the air around him.

Fearing that a fire may have broken out, he hurriedly walked out of his bedroom only to see the Vampire hiding behind a pillar in the dark, Jimin right behind him.

"The-", Taehyung begins to speak only for the Vampire to cup his mouth with his hands, seemingly covering the small distance between them with his super speed, eyes darting towards the hallway, before pulling Taehyung with him to hide behind the pillar.

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