Chapter 6

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"A battle is only enjoyable if you have a formidable opponent"


Riches have never really fascinated Jungkook. He was surrounded by riches all his life, being brought up in a glittering palace of silver and gold, being clad in soft casheme, wool and fur. He had servants assigned to attend to him by the king, had all the luxury anyone could ever want.

But hidden amongst that luxury and spoils was the bitter truth of how he was simply a puppet who had to abide by the King's rule if he didn't wish to be punished.

Jungkook remembers the punishments all too well, a series of events that have been etched onto his brain like words carved on stone. It wasn't something he could forget, despite how much he wished to.

Thus, the riches that are currently displayed in front of his eyes seem mundane, so to say the least. A big glittering castle, with walls made of stone and iron, a little different from what he was used to.

The Vampire royalty lived in a palace of sorts, one made to showcase their riches and power. The werewolves, it would seem, didn't care to show their wealth and status, but rather their strength.

But Jungkook was hardly impressed. Riches were simply riches. It didn't deter from the fact that while the riches were comfortable to live with, there was a substantial price that the poor had to pay for the wealthy to enjoy.

Werewolves weren't that different from vampire's, It would seem.

"Crown Prince Taehyung, Prince Jungkook," a deep gruff voice echoed through the empty halls, a man with pale skin coming forth to greet them.

The man could easily pass off as a Vampire, Jungkook thinks in his head, for his skin was as pale as snow.

"I hope the journey was alright. Prince Jungkook, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Min Yoongi. I'm the head Commander for the werewolf army. Unfortunately, the king is busy with some officials palace business thus I am here to welcome you. Please, allow me to show you to your room", the Commander says, bowing politely.

Taehyung huffs, eyes rolling as he eyes the Commander.

"The journey was fine, Yoongi hyung. I have asked the maids to prepare a room for Prince Jungkook in the south wing. Please escort him there"

Yoongi narrows his eyes at the prince, frowning ever so slightly, "The south wing?"

Taehyung nods, smirking, "Yes. The south wing. Prince Jungkook shall reside in the south wing. No need to give him any other room besides that"

Jungkook is silent, simply looking at the prince who is smirking and the Commander who is glaring at the crown prince.

"The south wing is hardly a place to keep your betrothed, my Prince. The mate to the crown prince does not belong in the heat chambers.  The king has already ordered for Prince Jungkook to reside in the chambers beside yours, surely, you will not go against the King's orders", The words were clipped, serious and Jungkook cannot help but sense a brooding tension between prince Taehyung and the Commander.

"I will talk to his majesty myself, Commander Min, for now, take the prince to the south wing"

Yoongi shakes his head, adamant, "I cannot do that my prince. Talk to the king first, then I shall do as his majesty says"

"Commander Min, thi--", Taehyung begins, only to be interuppted by a snort. He turns to glare at Jungkook who rolls his eyes at him.

"To think the crown prince and the Commander of such a powerful kingdom argue like children. How preposterous "

Taehyung's jaw ticks, eyes narrowing, "its very impolite to interrupt when two people are talking, bloodsucker"

Jungkook shrugs rather unceremoniously.

"It's even more impolite to try to make your newly wedded spouse go and live in the whore house, mongrel, but you don't see me complaining"

"What the hell did you just call me?", Taehyung bellows, definitely offended while Jungkook laughs.

"Exactly what you heard, smelly mongrel. If you want me to treat you with respect, then you need to earn it. Behaving like a damn dog isn't going to get you that"

Taehyung is minutes away from breaking the prince's head. The growl he lets out makes the maids standing behind them shudder with fear, yet Jungkook only seems amused as he smirks and raises an eyebrow mockingly.

"And don't even think about ways to kill me, I'm immortal, remember? Touch a hair on my head and I will make sure your precious jewels are rendered useless"

Taehyung takes a step closer to the Prince, chest heaving with uncontrolled wrath as his claws come out, his tone carrying a growl to them.

"You fucking bloodsucking leech.  How dare you threaten me?"

Jungkook shrugs, unbothered, eyes skimming over Taehyung as if assessing a damaged good.

"Would you look at that? Tsk. The claws are out. Are you ready to play fetch now?", Jungkook asks, a smirk plastered permanently on his face as he watches the crown prince get even more pissed.

It was at this time that Yoongi decides to intervene, for Taehyung looked seconds away from killing Prince Jungkook and it would really not be a good look for the Crown prince to murder his newly wedded husband so soon. Though, Yoongi will admit, he likes Prince Jungkook already. The prince had a bite to his words that left even the mighty Crown Prince Taehyung speechless. This would be entertaining to watch in the future.

"My apologies for meddling, but it is getting late and I believe the maids also need to rest. Prince Jungkook, I have been informed that you bought your personal servant with you. His room has been prepared in the servant quarters. Please do follow me so I may show you your rooms."

Prince Jungkook shakes his head softly, face softening as he answers Yoongi, "there is no need for that, Commander Min. Jimin will stay with me in my chambers. I shall need him to be close to me as this is a new place for me. Do not take it as an offense when I say that I do not feel safe here as of yet."

Yoongi nods understandingly, "ofcourse Prince Jungkook, no offense taken. Please, follow me to your room"

Taehyung growls at Yoongi who ignores him in the favor of showing Jungkook his new room which is just beside Taehyung's.

As Jungkook starts moving with Yoongi, he turns around just in time to wink at a glaring Taehyung, bowing mockingly as he struts off, celebrating this little victory.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was still fuming, though, he was a bit more curious about the prince now.

Afterall, it wasn't every day he gets to meet a worthy opponent, especially one that isn't scared of him.


Hey my lovely people.

So I tried to write today, not sure how it went. So let me know if you liked it or not.

I'm still struggling with writers block but I am trying to break through it.

Sorry if it wasn't up to the usual standard.

I hope you atleast liked it a little bit.

Next update 2moro, hopefully.

See yaa and thanks for reading.


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