Chapter 8

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"People are complicated yet beautiful. They are unique in their differences, yet similar in their humanity"

Trigger Warning: Slight gore descriptions


Taehyung is.... well... complicated.

He is prime and proper, intelligent and elegant, well spoken and brave, qualities that a crown prince should have.

But he is also impulsive and short tempered, vindictive and cruel, messy and emotionally constipated, qualities a crown prince should not have.

It's hard to describe just how Taehyung is. Though, if this writer was to describe him in a few words, she would say that Crown Prince Taehyung is damaged but fixable, a dark angel with wings of gold.

His good qualities have always shone through, making him the perfect person to hold the title of the crown prince, but his bad qualities also put a dent in his reputation, for he was feared equally like he was respected.

Crown Prince Taehyung is an enigma, and rightfully so. Understanding him is like opening a russian doll where you open one only to reveal another inside that is similar yet different in so many ways. He has many sides which are complex, difficult to see and understand, yet beautifully present all the same.

One of these traits is the one that many fear, his brutality in a fight. It is said that Prince Taehyung is undefeated in a fight, not because he is fast or extremely skilled or because his wolf is strong, all of which are obviously true, but because he is brutal and unforgiving.

Which brings us to the scene right now in the middle of the night in the Crown Prince's bedroom where 3 bodies lay in a pool of blood, their heart torn out right from their chest, and if you turn on the lights and look a little closely, you'll find one or two of the heads from those bodies severed and laying further across the chamber floors.

Taehyung was digging his claws on another man's neck, eyes gleaming with anger and fangs drawn out. The intruder was visibly shaking from fear which was warranted afterall, he had just seen the crown prince tear his companions apart with his bare claws.

"You have one chance to save your life. Answer two questions of mine truthfully and you shall live, or you can lie and I'll tear your throat out. Your choice", Taehyung all but mumbled out, his hands tightening around the intruder's throat, Eyes gleaming with fascination as the blood ran down the man's skin.

When the man nodded, Taehyung spoke again.

"Who sent you?"

The man stuttered out a response, "T-there was an anonymous contract. No name of the person who g-gave it but t-there was money inside and the n-name of the t-target"

Taehyung hummed, "alright. Your heartbeat tells me you are not lying. Now.........I know you are not dumb enough to carry out an attack on me in my own home. I know i wasn't the target. So... who is the target?"

The man hesitated for a few seconds too long for Taehyung's liking which prompted Taehyung to dig his claws on the intruder's neck a little harder.

"Aaaa.... t-the V-vampire Pr-prince", the intruder all but whimpered in pain and Taehyung saw red.

It was one thing that Taehyung wanted to hurt Jungkook. But killing the Vampire Prince was really not on his agenda.

While he may hate Jungkook, his wolf has without fault accepted the Vampire as his, and Taehyung would rather destroy the world then let anyone else touch Jungkook. Fated mate or not.

It's another story if he himself hurts the vampire prince, because in Taehyung's mind, the only person allowed to hurt Jungkook in any way is Taehyung himself. Anyone else is not given that liberty.

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