Chapter 25

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"I don't know when he will wake up, Don" the doctor spoke to me. "Oh no" my wife turned to me crying into my chest. I held her signaling for everyone to leave. She stopped crying pushing me away from her.

"This is your fault. You made him go into this life. You promise me that he would never end up in a hospital bed" she screamed. I pulled her arm making her flush up against me. "DON' T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT. NOW I KNOW YOU'RE SCARED BUT JOESPH WILL PULL THROUGH" I yelled.

Nini sat on the couch glaring at me. "I'm gonna go outside. You calm down" I clenched my jaw. Before closing the door I heard "Sometimes I love you and in this moment. I hate you" Nini said."Don" my men questioned. "We're moving him to New York. Get everything ready within the hour". "Yes sir" they spoke before leaving. "Hello Don" Kylie spoke. "Hello Kylie. How have you been". "I've been good". "Call your brother and bring him down here" I told her. "Yes, sir" she said before walking off to take the call.

Erica POV
After, getting off of work Luna and I went to this Korean barbecue restaurant. We got a lot of beer and we're currently drunk. "So, how are you and Marcus" I smiled mischievously. "We've been doing fine. He asked me to move in with him" she said with a hidden smile. "Oh my gosh. This is amazing. You've always been a one night stand kinda girl. I'm so happy for you" I slurred drunkly.

"You know I'm gonna miss you " Luna smile sadly while playing with her beer bottle. "Me too" a tear went down my cheek. "How long do you have to pack up" Luna asked. "By the end of the week". "Well I'm gonna help and be with you the entire time. Now this was supposed to be a good thing. Stop crying" Luna smiled. We both picked up our drinks and clinked them together.

Rico POV
I had gotten to the house and parked my car in the circular driveway. My house was a Modern like Mansion. My land went on for a couple of acres. There was a pound and a garden. Even a stable but of course my wife hates it here.

"Sir" one of my men took my keys. Once I was inside I got to the steps and the maid followed close behind me. "She stayed in her room all day" the maid explained. I opened our double door room and saw my wife sitting in the bed watching tv.

"What the hell do you want" she asked. I smiled coming to sit next to her. She moved over not wanna be anywhere near me. "Did you have a good day" I asked. "What do you think dick" she smiled dryly. I smiled loving her filthy mouth. I pulled her making her back touch my chest. I tightened my grip so she couldn't get away.

"What's wrong with you" she asked still fighting to get out my grip. "Just be quiet and watch tv. All I want to do is hold you" I said sadly. I though about my hermano wondering if he's going to be okay. I am so frustrated with myself. I was supposed to be his right hand man and couldn't stop him from getting shot.

After a while Ana fell asleep with me cuddled with her.

Next Day
I woke up to feeling of a pillow being smacked in my face. "Agh" I yelled. I looked over to Ana walking to the restroom. "You couldn't just wake me up sweetly like a normal wife" I groaned standing up. "First off I'm not your wife. Second your hands shouldn't have been touching me" she said while slamming the restroom door.

I scratched my head yawing going towards my ringing phone. "Hello" I said raspy still half sleep. "Brother. You need to come back up here. I've been calling you since yesterday. The Don is looking for you". "Okay" I said hanging up the phone. I turned around to Ana coming out of the restroom. Ana had tanned skin with blonde long locs. She had on a night gown I picked out for her. And it showed off her gorgeous legs.

"Ana" I spoke. She turned glancing at me with murderous eyes. "What" she said annoyed. "I'll be back in a little while". I walked closer to her. I grabbed her chin making her look at me. "Be good. You will be punished if you don't listen". While saying punishment Ana shook nervously. I kissed her cheek and she flinched. I got dress heading to the door. "Goodbye princess" I said before closing and locking our door.

Marcus POV
"I'm here" I came into the room. My mother came to me crying into my chest. I hugged her trying to console her. After a couple of minutes she let go and I walked over to my brother. His body laid there in a coma state.

"What did the doctor say" I looked over at my mother sitting on the couch with tissues in hand. "He doesn't know if or when he will wake up". "He's gonna wake up mom" I said glancing over to my brother. "Where's father". "I don't know and I don't care. I don't want to see him" she said bawling up the tissue.

"I'm right here" I heard my father say coming into the room. Some of our men came in with two doctors. "Get ready to move him," he said.

Hello, everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please vote it encourages me to write more. Also, I'm happy for the new followers!!

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