Chapte 70

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I scoffed still finishing my soup. "She asked you a question" the aunt stated. I huffed smiling at her "I don't take well to Kale so I don't eat it". "There's a lot of things that some people don't like but we do it anyway. Eat the Kale" Joe's grandmother said. "Grandmother, if she dosen't want to eat the kale she doesn't . You will not force my wife".

Joe's grandmother nodded  silencing his aunt for a while as well. There was silence for the rest of lunch/dinner. Once we were done eating Joe excused us taking me to the room. He closed the door and I got out my pajamas.
"Why the hell did you argue with them," Joe asked. "Me" I shouted pointing to my chest feeling appalled.

"They question me because I didn't like kale. What next why don't I cook" I asked sarcastically. "I told you they are old fashion. You know who you are just don't worry about them" he explained. "Can I get your phone" I asked holding out my hand. "Why do you think you need a phone it's our honeymoon. You need to learn to be with only me".

I sat my clothes down frowning. "I have to stay with you forever and deal with your family . The least you could do is let me talk to Luna". Joe grips my neck making me hit his firm chest. I crook my head up at his tall figure. "You think I would let that bitch talk to you. I know she's the one that puts thoughts in your head to leave me. No. I don't want you to talk to anyone of the outside world until you get acquainted with staying with me, loving me" he said looking at me crazy.

He let go of my neck making me gasp. I gather all my strength slapping him across the face. "Dont call her a bitch" I growled. He smiled at me making me stumble back. "I won't hit you because of the baby. I'm going to calm down maybe you should as well" Joe said slamming the door to our room.I cried on the bed holding myself.

He just keeps hurting me.

As I slammed the door I came face to face with my grandfather. "Come with me" he said with his hands behind his back walking to his study. He poured me a glass of bourbon sitting in a leather seat. I took a sip sighing. "You seem to be tired son. You should be happy. You just got married".

"I know. Just a disagreemet" I hushed. "You know all women must be taught the ways of this life. Your wife is no different. That defiance, talking back. You don't have deal with it. Let your grandmother teach her. I promise she will be the perfect wife. Properly trained". "I can handle it on my own" I declared. "Really. The fighting I just heard you didn't. Your grandmother would never lay a finger on me. She would be to scared too. You know why. Because she was taught by her family" my grandfather smiled.

I replayed what Erka said. She still didn't want to be with me which hurt me. She needs to understand who's in charge. "Fine let grandma do her thing" I stated as my grandfather cheered clinking our glasses together.

Erika POV
I woke up to no one beside me. I smiled jumping out of bed with glee. I showered and took off my makeup. letting my hair down. I changed and went downstairs. There were guards along the walls which made me nervous. I sheepishly went past the men heading into the direction of the kitchen.

"What the hell are you wearing" Joe's aunt said covering her sons eyes. "Clothes" I shook my head. I grabbed a plate placing the different options on their. I took my plate sitting down ignoring Joe's aunt. Joes grandmother came up to me and slapped me across the face. "What the hell" I said standing up.

I towered over her but she just smirked. She snapped her fingers and two guards appeared. They picked me up dragging me down a hallway. "Let me go. Where are you taking me" I cried. "Be careful she is holding the next heir" Joes grandmother stated.

"I swear to god" I said moving around in their grip. We entered a door going down a flight of steps that reminded me of the dungeon Joe had. It was dark and it was hotter then hell down hear. The place smelled like old blood which made me want to gag. They sat me in a chair and locked me into a cage.

The guards stood on the wall as Joe grandmother stood outside the cage. "Thanks to your husband I will be teaching you the proper way to be a Donna". "Fuck this" I said getting up from the chair. A serge of electricity flew through me making me sit back in the chair.

"I told you you're going to learn". Joe's grandmother held a switch in her hand. "You would shock a pregnant woman" I accused. "You won't be shock anymore as long as you listen. Now I'm going have them bring your meal here and a book. This book has ran through generations and you will study this. Until you act and know the things a Donna should be. You won't leave this cell".

"What" I said as Joe's grandmother began to walk out. "No" I yelled. "I don't want to stay here" I yelled. "It's okay I will leave the lights on. We will need you to be able to see to read".
She left me in the room sitting in the chair. There was a small twin size bed in the corner. Groaning I looked up at the only light above me.

"God why do I have to treated like this".

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