Chapter 58

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Erika POV
After a bunch of sobbing I laid on the thick green soft grass. I closed my eyes smelling the air and feeling the breeze going through my hair. The sunset was bright which made me close my eyes but it felt good on my skin. A shadow blocked the sun making me squint my eyes open.

"You were supposed to be back in the house four hours ago" I heard a deep stern voice say. "I felt better out here. So, I stayed out here" I sighed. I felt a grip pull me up by my arm. "Hey" I yelled. "It's bad for the baby which is bad for you. It's time for us to leave soon and you need to get ready" Joe dragged me back inside.

Once we got inside Joe stopped standing in front of two men. "You are her guards so why did you not bring her out from the garden" he said in an authoritative cold voice. It made my back straighten up and my hands get sweaty. "You told us to watch her sir. We didn't think we were supposed to interfere" one of the men spoke.

Joe jaw clenched as he looked at both of the men. "LISTEN UP" Joe said catching all the men in the room attention. "THIS WOMAN RIGHT HERE. IS MY WOMAN. SHE IS HOLDING THE NEXT HEIR AND SHE WILL BE YOUR NEW DONNA. SO, I WOULD ADVISE FOR YOU ALL TO THINK IN FUTURE REFERENCE ABOUT CERTAIN THINGS" Joe shouted.

"Go to cellar and get your punishment. Ten lashings. Think back to what will happen if you if you don't think with your skills" Joe spat. We moved through the two men with him still dragging me up the stairs. We got into the room and Joe slammed the door. "Get dressed" he said. I took a shower and put on a black dress that landed at my knees. I put on some wedges and came out the bathroom to see Joe in a suit. His hair was gelled back. He always looked good in a suit. Joe turned around looking at me. "You look beautiful,petardo " Joe whispered. His eyes raked my body but stopped at my shoes.

"You need to change your shoes" Joe said. "Really you're gonna control what I wear. There not real heels" I scoffed. Joe tilted his head giving me a look. I switched to different shoes which were flatter and we left the house. We parked inside of the circular driveway. I put my hand on the door to open but Joe held my thigh stopping me.

"Don't tell them about the contract or you being pregnant" Joe muttered. "I know. However, I thought you would love to tell my father about how you raped me". Joe huffed getting out of the car. He opened the door for me and I took his hand. We walked up the steps knocking on the door. Bertram opened the door glancing at Joe and I hands wrapped in one another.

"Miss" Bertram smiled letting us in. "Bertram" I said smiling. I hugged him shedding a small tear. I missed my home. "Everyone is at the table" Bertram said as I let go of him. Joe nodded taking my hand once again walking us towards the dining room.

As we came in my mother noticed us first. "Oh my gosh. My baby" she cried getting up from the table. Everyone joined in hugging. Taylor hugged me tightly whispering in my ear. "Why haven't you answered my calls and texts. I was worried" Taylor said still holding my shoulders.
I looked away with Joe still standing behind me.

"Sit we can catch up" my mother said. I kissed my father on the cheek giving him the warmest hug. I took the seat next to Joe and everyone else sat back down. "So, you're back on what occasion" my mother asked. "Well um... " I stuttered. "She moved back" Joe said slicing up his chicken. "Really. Why? The last I heard you were having an amazing time. I was getting worried because you hadn't texted or called but your mother said I was being fussy and I should give you your space" my farther frowned.

I hated lying to my father. This was going to kill me. "Well I just miss you all so much so I decided to move back" I said with a fake smile. Taking a bite of my chicken. "What about William" mother said glancing at me. "He's. Dead" Joe said. My eyes bulged from my head looking at him. While everyone stared at him with tension in the now quiet room.

"I mean dead to her" Joe smiled squinting  his eyes. "What happened" Tyler said sadly. Looking down at my plate I bit my lip. "We broke up just went on different paths" I said as I felt a squeeze to my thigh making me look at Joe. "So what brings you both here other than sharing the news that Erika is single and moving back here" my mother said harshly. My father put his hand over my mother silencing her fury.

"Well, I would like to invite you to Erika and I wedding" Joe smiled. "What" my father spouted. My brother spat out his water while my sister began chocking. My mother eyes twinkled and her grinned widened. "Yes, marriage" Joe said holding my hands putting on the table. My family glanced at our hands as their heated gaze move to our faces.

"When did this happen" my mother asked? "You just broke up with Will not to long ago" Tyler said. "To answer your question. I confessed to Erika and she said yes. We've been inseparable ever since" Joe said looking at my mom. "I asked her to marry me two days ago".

"Don't you think your moving too fast" my father said standing up front the table.

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment it encourages me to update more chapters! I would love to hear my reader's opinions on the story.

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