Chapter 91

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Erika sat in the airplane cushion seats holding our little boy. She kissed his head rocking him close to her chest. Our son was asleep while she whispered sweet words into his small ears. Looking from him to observing the changes she seems to have made to herself. Her once straight hair seem curly to no end. More natural, bouncy. She got plumper and fuller in certain areas.

She wasn't petite but curvy now. It made me want to eat her up. I leaned back in my seat openly staring at her knowing it made her uncomfortable. "You know I shouldn't say this but I'm jealous of my own child" I grinned rubbing my stubble. Erika face curled up in disgust. I hadn't had sex in five years. So, having Erika sitting in front of me was like dangling meat in front of a wolf.

With them gone I built my empire better than before. I wanted everything to be perfect for them. I eliminated all the people I couldn't trust. I made the estate bigger and as time went by I added things to our home. Everyone knew that there were no mistakes or their lives would be taken. As I make the rules I must abide by them. Make an example. My wife may hold our child as long as she wants cause when we get home she must be punished.

Erika POV
I stayed on alert while on the plane and the drive to the estate. Dread set in as the car stopped in front of the horror of a mansion. There were more guards than before. The house looked bigger as well. The door opened and Joe stepped out. He waited closely near the car with his hand out.

I stayed in the car feeling more safer. I didn't want to go however Joe eyes held no compassion. It would be worse for my son and I if I stayed in the car a moment longer. I slowly got out taking his hand still holding Conrad.We went inside and a butler with two maids stood awaiting for their orders. They were different from the past servants.

"Take the heir to his room" Joe ordered. I backed up defensively but Joe quickly gripped my shoulder forcing me to stay in place. "No, no.....he doesn't know anyone but me. Don't do this" I cried. The maids ripped Conrad away from me taking him up a staircase. I could hear him wail calling for me. Joe threw me over his shoulder as he went down an hallway.

Everything was totally different. We went down that hallway leading up a couple of spiral steps. I heard Joe fiddle with some keys and we came into a dark room. With the help of Anthony I was no longer afraid of the dark. However, my old fear had sprouted a new one. That new fear being Joe. Joe threw me on the bed "As a Donna you were supposed to stay not just for me but our people. There are rules in place for women that leave the mafia. I can't live without you and our son needs his mother. This is your punishment".

He pulled me by my legs making him fall between me. I kicked and screamed. Trying to stop him but he pinned me down. "Relax I'm not gonna fuck you yet" he chuckled. He took my left leg in a tight grip twisting it in an uncomfortable way.In one snap. It was broken. My leg look like play-doe. I screamed in horror and pain. My flickered from my leg to Joe. He just stood watching me, relishing in my pain.

"THIS IS HOW I FELT BEING WITHOUT YOU TWO FOR FIVE FUCKING YEARS. YOU'RE GONNA FEEL A LOT MORE PAIN. SO GET USE TO IT". I couldn't take the pain anymore my body went limp. I passed out.

A day pass and the doctor wraped Erika leg and gave her some pain killers. I brushed my hand against her broken leg smiling to myself. She won't be able to leave me. A shiver ran up Erika leg making her wake up. She tried sitting up but hissed. I watched as she struggled smiling to myself. I quickly sat her up and Erika fought my hands away.

I laughed feeling like a snake and she a hamster running. I covered her up with a blanket and stood up. "You broke my leg" she whispered. "Huh"? "You hurt me " she sobered.
Moving to the door I turned smirking at her.
"You shouldn't have run away," I told her before closing the door.

I locked the thick gray metal door and went down the spiral staircase. I hummed going towards my sons room. I hadn't checked on my son since dealing with Erika. He would love his room. I had someone decorate and put the newest toys in the room. As the years went by I updated the room with things children would play with at his age.

I opened the door to hear crying and the maids looking worried. They notice me and froze. "Get out" I ordered. They quickly ran past me and I move to the child in the corner on the floor. I picked him up and patted his back. He stopped crying and craned his neck at me. Must be child instincts he recognized me as his father.

He had my dark black hair and gray eyes. His skin was a mix of Erika and mine. However, his cheeks reminds me of Erika when I first met her as a child. I smiled packing him over to the bed. I sat him in my lap so I could see his face. I wiped his tears and he began to breathe heavy. "Why are you crying? Don't you want to play with the toys" I asked? He slowly shook his head like Erika when she was on silent treatment. How adorable.

"I want mommy and daddy". "DADDY" I yelled. The boy flinched covering his ears from my yelling. I sat him back on floor and stalked to the door. With my force the door slammed open with a loud thud. The maids that stood at the door quivered. "Watch him" I seethed. With not a glance I rushed back to Erika.

Unlocking the door I quickly went inside closing the door. My eyes prayed on Erika who sat up startled. I walked to the side of the bed gripping her by the neck. Her eyes went wide and croaks of pain spilled from her lips.


Hi guys thank you for 1.03k!!!! I'm so happy. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. How do you think Joe will react to Anthony? Please vote ⭐️it encourages me to update.

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