Chapter 54

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I growled staring at Erika's clothes. She had on one of my shirts but had on some shorts that showed too much of her legs. My men were stationed throughout the hallway. Did they see her like this. Looking at Erika's reaction I sighed walking towards her. Erika's body shook in fear as I put my hand on her shoulder. She flinched slightly looking down. I guided her to the bar table in front of the sink. She sat down keeping her eyes on me. I leaned against the counter in front of her breathing deeply.

"I'm sorry I got so upset but darling I need you to understand that you never wear anything like those again" I said glancing at Erika shorts.   "We have men here so if you're not in our bedroom don't wear those. Understood" I glanced waiting for a answer. Erika nodded clasping her hands together looking down.

I smiled patting her head "don't look so gloomy". I pulled away glancing back at the stove. I walked over flipping over the steak. The timer went off making me heap a cloth and open the oven. I could feel the strong heat coming out in waves. I grabbed the pan taking it out sitting the creamy macaroni on the counter.

I smiled plating all the food. Erika hates when her food touches so I separated her food into two plates. Steak, mash potatoes and macaroni on one plate. While corn and broccoli on the other. I put the plate down in front of Erika and take up a seat beside her. I watch as the sides of her mouth holds spit. I laugh silently handing her a fork. Erika stared at my hand then took the fork. She looked at me muttering a "thank you".

We at in silence hearing the clanking of silverware and scratching of a certain someone's plate. I hated this. I wanted Erika to talk to me. "I was thinking we could go to the garden after this" I said. "Don't you have work" Erika whispered. "I can do work later right now I want to be with you". Erika tensed up and slowly nodded her head. She wasn't relaxed, she seemed to be on edge. "Or we can stay in. Maybe watch a movie" I suggested. "The movie". I smiled looking back at my plate. Dinner and a movie.

After, Erika was finished I carried our plates to the sink leaving it for the maids to clean. I walked over holding my hand out for Erika's. She stared at my hand like it would zap her with one touch. My lips twinged with annoyance waiting however sensing my heavy gaze she took my hand.

I walked us out of the kitchen going through different hallways finally getting to a book case.  I pulled on a green book on the top left side which made the bookcase go back like a door. Snapping my fingers the lights turned on. The room illuminated showing the five rows of red cushion movie theater seats. In front there was a large projector screen.

I went up the steps with Erika right behind me. We went into the middle road that had a special movie theater seat. It was more of a couch recliner then a single seat. Erika sat down at the very edge while I sat in the middle. I smiled at her little antics.

"Would like some snacks, Don, Donna" the maid asked. "" Erika stuttered. I scoffed which made Erika head snap towards me. "She will have extra buttery popcorn and a coke. Oh and sour patches" I ordered. The maid bowed leaving us alone. "You really didn't have to do that. I'm still fool from dinner". " I know you. You will get hungry in the middle of the movie and I would have go get it for you". "No... I-" she said rolling her eyes. The projector turned on rolling the movie.

As the intro came on and lights turned off I looked at Erika who legs huddled up on the couch. Her body was shivering and little bumps appeared on her upper arm and legs. I grabbed the blanket up under the seat placing the soft fabric over her body. "Thx" she whispered.
"What movie is this" Erika questioned finally making eye contact.

I smirked "your favorite movie". A slight smile appeared on Erika's face looking at the screenplay Twenty-seven dresses. Ten minutes into the movie the maid had come with Erika's snacks. Erika reached out for the snacks but I took them from the maid. The maid scurried away while Erika pouted.

A huge grin reappeared on my face, as I put the snacks in Erika's lap. "Don't pout". Erika turned away putting the snacks on the other side of her. She faced away from me scrunching up into the reclined couch. Erika grabbed a big chunk of popcorn feeling up her mouth. How would she look with something else feeling up that mouth.

About twenty minutes of me watching Erika and the movie. She laid her snack tray on the floor and got more comfortable in her seat. She yawned side-eyeing me but I was still faking watching the movie. She scooted closer to the end of the seat making me frown. I could see Erika start to drift off to sleep. Her head went back while cuddled up into the blanket. I gently pulled Erika's body up moving her head to my chest. I covered her up and watch as she cuddled into me.

I glanced down looking at the beauty in my arms. Things we're moving back to how they used to. I had broken Erica and with time she would become comfortable with the new changes.

I kissed her temple muttering close to her ear
                               "I love you".

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