Chapter 99

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[This Chapter Contains Domestic Abuse]
Erika POV
It had been ten years and things were worse than before. Since that night I have never seen my family in person. There would be Zoom calls on holidays and Conrad I's birthday.

Marcus had become Joe's right-hand man. So, Luna was around most of the time. Our children were inseparable and they trained together. Miguel taught them about how to defend themselves and their ancestry.

After I told Joe I could never love him. He lost it. When he remembered the time I left him. The time when I was with other men. He would use his fist. Then he would beg and plead for me to forgive him. Shower me with gifts when he knew I wasn't a materialistic person.

He would be loving and sweet while forcing himself upon me. After enough beatings I wanted him to suffer so I uttered the words "Anthony" while orgasming. After that, he would fuck me harshly. To the point where I couldn't leave the bed.

Conrad, my sweet Conrad hated his father. It was his sixteen birthday party and currently, he was speaking to my parents.

"Conrad, you look so handsome. I hope you got your present" my mother smiled on the screen. Conrad held the iPad in front of him. "Yes, and let Auntie Taylor I got her card as well" Conrad grinned. "We will. Can we speak to your mother" they asked. Conrad nodded handing me the tablet. "Honey" my father greeted.

Showing my face my mother gasped "You cut your hair". "Yes, it just kept getting tangled so...yeah," I said dryly. My father frowned. He knew me inside out. He knew I loved my long hair but it was easy for Joe to grab it when I tried to run away from his beatings. So I cut it.
"Well, honey if you like it then so do we" My mother smiled awkwardly.

"Love, time to hang up. Gotta cut the cake" Joe explained. "I have to go, Mom and Dad," I said. They both said goodbye and I hung up. I got up moving to the dining table and looking at Conrad. We all sang happy birthday and he cut the cake. The maids served us on mini plates. "So, I was thinking that you could go to your first meeting since you're now sixteen" Joe concluded.

"He's still a child" I hissed. "My father me go on my own to my first meeting when I was fourteen. However, Conrad will be with me when we go" Joe stated. Conrad held up his hand "It's fine Mom. Just let me know when Father". Joe's jaw clicked. When Conrad was younger he used to call Joe daddy, dad. However as free to learn about his father he hated that he was associated with it.

I also knew he hated seeing the bruises his father left on me. During the healing points, I tried staying in my room. Looking vulnerable and broken made me feel hopeless. And I just couldn't let my child see me like that. Not until I pulled myself out of that feeling and came back to being his joyful mother. That was full of life.

I didn't finish my cake and left the table. My son was trained by the best. Miguel. However, it couldn't stop the unsettling feeling of this ugly business. I didn't want him going out there. Dealing with thugs and criminals. Joe wouldn't listen and the only way I could make him understand what I was feeling. Was giving him the silent treatment.

I went upstairs and showered. When I came out Joe was sitting on the bed.

"I know. I know I should have just told you but we would have just fought. And I've had enough fighting. We've been so good. Practically the old days and I wanted it to stay like that. Plus Conrad has been training and is smart as a whip. He can handle the business hell and make it even better than I have" I voiced.

Erika came out of her closet rubbing her hands. She gave one look at me and went to her vanity.
"You're not going to say anything," I asked. She combed her hair and put a wrap over it. I got up walking towards her. She looked in the mirror seeing my figure behind her.

"Don't ignore me. You know I hate when you do that" I snapped. She sighed and my jaw clenched. I hate when she does this. I couldn't hear her angelic voice and worried me. If she stops talking or yelling at me. Then she stopped caring and I wanted her to at least care about me. Before I could register what I was doing I gripped her neck back.

"ANSWER ME" I shouted. She didn't flinch just stared at me. I threw her on the ground winching at my hand. She fell to the ground smirking at me. "Still not gonna talk" I questioned. She flicked her middle finger up and I lost it. I slapped her and her head snapped to the side. "I want to hear your voice"! With more silence, my slaps became fists until I let go of her body.

"TALK TO ME" I heaved tired at the infliction I brought upon her. "Are you done" she whispered. I held her swollen cheeks smiling "See. I just wanted you to talk to me. Why did you have to be so hard-headed. You know I hate when I get like this". I kissed her temple and left the room. I loved Erika. My Erika.

Conrad POV
I watch my father close the door to his office. I got up from the table ignoring Miguel. I went up the stairs creeping into my parent's bedroom. The sight in front of me was ungodly. My mother leaned against the bed sitting on the floor gasping. I ran crouching to the floor holding her face.

"Y.You shouldn't be here, Connie" my mother croaked. Most children at this age would cry at the scene however I had to learn that crying wouldn't change a fucking thing. It wouldn't change that my father was a bastard and he beat my beautiful mother. I would just have to wait till I could change things myself.

"Where else would I be? Let's get you taken care of" I spoke softly picking up my mother and cradling her head into my chest.

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