Chapter 36

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Erica's POV
I woke up to the sun shinning in falling on my face. I sat up looking at the folded office clothes and a note sitting on the table. I grabbed the note "Todays going to be a better day. Take a croissant on the counter. We will meet you at the office. Here's twenty dollars for a taxi . Make sure you lock up" I smiled thinking of Keen's buttery magical croissants.

I did my business, getting dress and fixed my hair. "Gonna go and work my ass off" I smiled before locking the door to there apartment. I took the taxi to my job. Once I got to the office everyone was sitting at there desk. Our boss came walking in right behind me as I sat down in my seat.

"Ms. Garrison I need you here on time" he said sternly. "Yes sir" I smiled. "Now which of you went to the meeting yesterday has Ms. Harris samples. My breathe hitch remembering I left it in the company car. "I have it right here" Will handed it to our boss.

"Great" he replied leaving the room for us to get back to work. Will turned around coming towards my desk. "Could I speak with you" he whispered. I stared at my screen typing my login. "No". Will sighed staring at me "what about during lunch". "Sorry I'm not free". "She's busy today W.I.L.L.I.A.M" Noey said loudly.

"Okay" Will said sadly walking back to his desk. I looked over to Noey smiling sadly mouthing "thank you" . For a good three hours we worked away until lunch time. I got up from my seat going to cafeteria.

The cafeteria was on the same floor as our office. The food vary depending on the day. Today it was Asian food. I got five sushi rolls and fried rice. I sat my plate down at a table in the back. A few minutes later, Keen, Noey and Chelsie came over.

"They told me all that happened. Poor baby" Noey sat down giving me a hug. I smiled "it's fine" I looked at Chelsie. "What" I said watching Chelsie face morph into a pitiful look. She rolled her eyes " I can't believe I'm saying this but you look heartbroken and he does too. He came to me and Keen asking us if you were alright. He saids he wants to talk to you".

"Well I don't want to talk to him" I said angrily.
"It won't hurt" Keen explained. "That's true. Plus it will get rid of this bad juju in the work office. See this is why you don't date your coworkers" Noey said taking a big chunk out of his kabob. "You're dating Noah" Chelsie said amused.

"Well talking will hurt me" I said getting up leaving them all at the table. I walked out of the cafeteria trying to hold my tears back. I ended up in the stair well sitting alone.

My head started spinning.

I saw flashes of myself and my ex fiancé inside of the car. We were upside down my body half out of the car laying on the bare concrete. Someone in all black had pulled him out the car while I tried to tell them to stop. The person in all black looked at me but its face was too blurry for me to see.

Flashback ended
I held my head shaking it to see the dark wall in front of me. I got up slowly gripping the stair rail. I wiped my tears taking a deep breathe. "Deep breathe" I can hear my therapist repeat to me from memory. After, a couple of deep breaths I calm down. I fix my clothes and head back to the office.

Marcus POV
We all laughed coming out of the restaurant. "I think you would love Erika. When she comes back we have to get together" Luna gently hugged Ana. "Of course". Rico pulled me aside making me look back to our ladies.

"It seems that Ana has taken a liking to Luna. I was hoping you could bring Luna around since we're going to be going back to work soon" Rico looked at me. "It's up to Luna. I will ask when we get home and let you know what she saids" I explained. Rico patted me on back " Thanks man".

We joined back up with the ladies "so, you ready" I asked Luna. "Yep, it was nice seeing you" we waved as Rico and Ana got in there car. The valet pulled our car in front. I helped Luna in and jogged to the other side.

"Rico wanted me to ask you if you would spend sometime with Ana while Rico and I are at work" I started driving. "Yea, that sounds fun. I will come by after work" Luna smiled. "I'm gonna take a nap now. I'm so full from the food" she yawned. I smiled watching her lay back in the seat closing her eyes.

Joesph POV
After, sitting looking at the ceiling thinking about Erica I thought of my phone. She's probably tried calling me and texting me. I glanced at the bell sitting on the night stand. "Fuck" I said ringing the bell. Two of my men open the door "yes sir".

"Get me a new phone with my old number". They nodded and left closing the door. One hour past and they came in with a phone. "Finally" I sighed.

I looked at the current messages and emails. All of them from colleagues and our tech guys. Until I got to Erica's messages. "Hey call me".
"Is it fun on your business trip"?
" call me". Guilt fled through me thinking about Erica needing me and I couldn't help her. I looked at my voicemail and listened to last one from Erica.

After, listening to it I threw the phone at the wall and strided over to the door. I pulled the door making it hit the wall.


The devil is coming to save his Angel! What will happen next? I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Please vote.

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