Chapter 73

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Erika POV
We headed back to the New York. I didn't speak unless Joe forced me. I knew Joe was crazy but I didn't know he was a cruel monster. Our honeymoon had taught me just how eager I need to leave. I couldn't get in touch with my sister or Luna.

The car stopped and Joe let me out of the car. The old mansion that once gave me shivers gave me peace. This place felt more than the home in Italy ever could. Nini and Jhon met us at the door. Smiling from ear to ear like the couple I knew when I was younger. "Oh Erika" Nini smiled giving me a big hug.

"Let's get you inside" she smiled holding my hand. Joe went off to the study with his father talking business. The farther Joe was the better. "So, what did she do to you" Nini questioned whispering. She looked around then looked at me. "Who". "The grandmother". My face drained making Nini comfort me.

"Not much to me but lock me in a cell making me read the most misogynistic book their ever was. The poor child had it worse than me" I said looking down. "Child? What child" she questioned? " My nephew he's being beaten. Joe saids it's an apart of the training but he looks so a sad" I began to tear up.

Nini shushed me rubbing my back. I cried into her shoulder "he....he cried as we left. I..-I wanted to take him back with us but Joe wouldn't let me". "He's right. It is a part of there training but he could have still trained here. I can make a call and see if his mother will bring him here". "Really" I say gripping her shoulders. "Yes" she smiled. "Thank you" I said repeatedly.

"Now I know you're jet lag so how about you rest up stairs" she patted my cheek. " Okay" I sighed getting up. I left the room heading upstairs. The room felt cold and dark. I hurried turning on the light and sat on the bed. I fell back getting comfortable in the sheets. By the time I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.

Luna POV
"They're back" I said on the phone. "Great, but how will we get her out of their" Taylor questioned. "Marcus told me there will be a banquet for Joe becoming Don. So, that will be the perfect chance for her to escape". "And how will she get the information" she questioned. "I got it. You just handle planting the money somewhere she can get it".

I hung up the phone sitting on the couch. Marcus came in getting off the phone. He plopped beside me huffing. He laid his head on my shoulder and I held his cheek. "I just got off the phone with mom. I know you want see her so we will join them for breakfast in the morning". "Great" I smiled.

Marcus had been working overtime since Joe had been gone. His cute devilish face looked drained. I lifted his head off my shoulder making him frown. I leaned him back straddling him. "Poor baby you look tired" I smirked. Marcus hands went straight to my butt. "Never tired to do this" Marcus began to smile.

After a long talk about the banquet coronation and what exactly we did in Italy. I went up stairs opening our bedroom door. I saw a sleeping figure with the tv on. I showered and got into bed. I pulled Erika close to my body. I fell asleep smelling Erika's peaceful lily like smell.

Erika POV
I woke up feeling a strong arm wrapped around my stomach. A knock was heard at the door. I felt the grip on my stomach loosen and the sheet ruffled. Joe kissed my head "sleep some more" he whispered. As he got out of the bed I sat up looking at the door.

Joe opened the door harshly looking at the maid who held her head down. "What" he said in aggravated tone. "Miss, Lombardi wants you both down stairs for breakfast". Joe closed the door in her face walking back to the bed. "Where are you going"? "Nini wants us for breakfast. I don't know about you but I'm going to get breakfast" I said getting out of bed.

Joe clenched his lip shaking his head going into our closet. I could tell he wanted to stay in bed with me however I didn't like that idea. I took a shower then got dress. Joe changed into a white v neck t-shirt with jeans. I had began to have a slight baby bump making me choose a loose dress. I went down stairs with Joe holding my lower back.

Once we got into the dining room Joe froze. "What the hell are they doing here" Joe glared. "Language. I asked them here. He is your brother and Luna is Erika's friend" Nini explained. I dragged Joe to his seat next to me. I smiled at Luna happy she was here. We ate with Nini as John excused the guys and himself

They went into the office leaving us all alone. "So, I was thinking it was time for me to use the teapot and tea you got me. I want to make it personally. Why don't you and Luna go into the parlor" Nini suggested.

"That sounds great" I said before Luna dragged me off. She sat me down in the parlor room. "Listen, there will be a party soon. Things will be chaotic and that's when you make a break to leave".

An escape plan. Will she be able to escape?

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