Chapter 65

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Erika POV
We sat at the dining table in silence. Nini had a swollen jaw and a banged up lip. While John had a scar going across his face. "So, have you invited the families" Godfather John asked. "Yes, however I wasn't too sure about the Koreans" Joe said cutting his steak. "Hmm, good. They don't have a new leader. They might become low head faction in our world no longer anyway" John grimaced.

He looked at Nini as she stared at her plate not eating. "You should eat, love" my godfather stated. "It hurts to eat" Nini said clenching her jaw. John coughed taking a swig of his wine. "I'm sorry" Jhon said holding her hand. Nini looked at me "for generations we've passed a ring down through our family. I wanted to give you something" Nini pulled out a ring box.

A maid handed it to me and I opened the box. It held a simple silver char-it stud. It was beautiful but I was not at all happy with the outcome of getting this. "I hope you like it" she smiled. "It's beautiful" I nodded. I shouldn't have received this being forced. A line of women from being brought into this family have been forced to receive this ring. It made me want to hurl.

"Excuse me" I smiled standing up from the table. Joe gripped my hand stoping me from moving. I looked down frowning "you should eat some more. Sit" Joe said clenching his jaw. "I need to use the bathroom" I whispered glancing at Nini and John.

Joe nodded letting go of my hand letting me leave the room. I went to the nearest restroom closing the door. I sat on the toilet with arms on my knees. After five minutes I stood in front of the mirror looking at my self. "Unhappy is the new future for us" I said looking at my stomach.

I didn't feel like going back to that stuffy dinner. I cracked the door slightly peaking looking left to right. It was dim in the hallway where no guards stood. I squeezed through the door and closed it. I headed up the stairs slowly and went to the room. Once I came into the  room with lights on I threw myself on the bed.

I was tired of everything and missed my family. I missed not knowing anything about Joe hidden darkness, his true occupation and the men of his family sinister obsession of taking women against there will. I curled my self up and relaxed into the silk like sheets.

"It's been thirty minutes why is she not back yet" I muttered. "She's pregnant it takes a minute or maybe she left" my mother smirked. My father gripped my mothers hand as I got up. I walked  in the direction of the nearest bathroom. She hadn't finished her food and she needs to finish everything. The baby books that read talking about healthy and how much you need to eat for two people. I knocked on door and heard nothing.

I headed up stairs to our bedroom opening the door. There she was sprawled on the bed. I held my temple trying to control my anger. I will cut her some slack since she was probably tired. I came next to her siting on the bed. I glanced at her delicate body my hand laying upon her belly.

"You are my whole world you and your mother" I smiled. I stayed there rubbing Erika belly.

Chris POV
"You need to stop being so protective of her" my wife told me getting into bed. "How can I. I love Jhon I do but you know how he treats Nini sometimes. What if Joseph is just like his father even worse" my voice cracked taking off my reader glasses.

"We've watched Joseph grow up with Erika. He adored her everyday. He would never treat her that way. I could always see the love in his eyes. Now he will protect her. So, please be at ease" My wife said hugging me. I rubbed my wife's back trying to be at ease as my wife has told me however something just didn't feel right.

Erika POV
I woke up hearing Joe talking on the phone. He was fixing his tie in the mirror as I sat up feeling groggy. I wiped the spit from my mouth looking down seeing my clothes were changed. I hugged myself knowing it was probably him who changed me.

Noticing me Joe got off the phone and walk to my side of the bed. "You didn't come back to the dining room last night". "I was tired" I sighed. Joe clicked his tongue "since you didn't finish your dinner yesterday I told them to double your plate for breakfast. Your punishment for yesterday is staying in here all day" Joe smirked.

I groaned sitting back into my pillows. Joe kissed my head and left closing the door. "Fucking hell" I spat getting up from the bed. How was it my fault I was tired. I don't get any good sleep cause I'm scared of him. "I hate you" I screamed.

I heard the lock click and the same two maids came in. "Boss won't like this" the old lady smirked.

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