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Orion burst through the Infirmary doors, an explosive fireball in a small, elegantly dressed, warrior's body. Her eyes held only violence, and I knew if she had been a FengDohrn, they would have been black.

Hoping to slow her approach, I held up my com, the first line of dozens of messages hovering above its smooth, metallic surface in holographic form. "Can you please explain why I have received multiple, furious messages from both Royals and Guardians alike in the last—"

But she didn't slow. And the fire in her eyes was real, a red glow of Destere that echoed in her palms.

The world seemed to slow as I processed the situation—Rilyin, still fighting for his life within the curtained off area, Orion's complete disregard for his safety, and my own injuries, still healing—and despite Rilyin's demands I do everything in my power to incapacitate her if a situation like this arose, it was clear he had never considered any of the variables I now faced. With the skills she possessed and my current physical state, incapacitating her wasn't an option. A duel between us had already proved to be too destructive, and Rilyin was in the crosshairs. Taking her out quickly was the only option.

Claws shot from my fingertips and Thet rippled around my hands, the world resuming its normal pace. But before I could raise a hand to meet her first attack, the air hardened around me, restricting my arms to my sides. The area above my head grew hot and within seconds, my lungs constricted as all air was sucked from them.

I gaped at her, at her deadly, controlled Poeir, unable to do anything but stare at her merciless face, my Thet bouncing uselessly off hers.

FengDohrn were capable of holding their breath for several minutes, a necessary skill utilized especially when in our true form, high up where the atmosphere was thinnest. But holding your breath and having all oxygen sucked from your body were two entirely different things. I made it a minute before spots filled my vision and my legs gave way beneath me, her shield shifting a bit to accommodate my fall.

And then it vanished, and she lunged for me.

With one powerful kick to my chest, she sent me flying into the nearest footboard.

Gasping and choking, trying to reinflate my lungs, I struggled to rise, lifting a shaking hand in time to let off a Thet Veehm. But she dodged it and swiped my hand aside and punched me in the nose.

The crack and the blinding pain were all I felt and saw before she was on top of me, her claws pressed against my jugular, the black cobize burning my skin. "You sick, vile bastard!"

I tried to get a Veehm covered hand up but froze as the fiery tips of her claws pierced my skin.

"I'd kill you, but there's already been enough death today." She pulled her claws away long enough to slam her elbow across my face. "If you were wondering, using my brand did nothing to stop the shit show. They were going to attack regardless, the only difference being my robotic façade made everyone think I was responsible for Callen's death."

I stared at her for a long moment, slow to process for once, unsure how I hadn't heard anything about it. Another one? Were they all in on it or were the ones panicking simply looking for any opportunity?

"It wasn't you?" Pharro said from the doorway, his eyes wide and hopeful.

She didn't look at him, like she was afraid I'd get the upper hand if she took her attention off me. "No. I didn't."

"Then who did?" I grunted, wishing I could rub the blood pouring from my nose off my mouth so I wouldn't keep tasting it.

"Daniel. I guess even with my robot façade, even he didn't think I was capable of handling the situation alone. And, like you, his only reaction was to eliminate instead of incapacitate."

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now