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The memory of the girl plunging into the room, hitting the surface of the table in a perfect, combative crouch, the entire room shuddering as Poeir surged outward from her at the impact, would haunt me for the rest of my life, I was sure of it.

No one in their right mind would allow a Directive so powerful near Rilyin. What could Desraeon have been thinking?

Royal's wishing Rilyin dead over the girl's presence was a threat I already hadn't fully considered. I'd thought a Vek hidden among us would be enough. But now, the girl, herself, was the deadliest threat of all. She was terrifying.

And her newly regenerated body, however that had happened, was an addition no one could have anticipated.

Her gaunt exterior had filled out and firmed up, every inch of her honed to lethal perfection. She was stunning, her toned, delicate looks a flawless façade. I'd learned a long time ago how little size meant when it came to FengDohrn. I'd just never expected the same to be true of a...human girl.

As soon as Gauwin, Prince Sorrell, Ambassador Honwood, and Seth's body had been removed from the room, the girl rushed to Rilyin, and for a brief moment, I wanted nothing more than to stab my claws into her chest and rid the world of her deadly existence.

But her sharp gaze cut toward me as if she heard my thoughts.

"Shield," Rilyin whispered to me.

Teeth gritted, I did as he said.

"There isn't time to discuss what just happened here," Rilyin said quickly. "But since you're here, already showing off, I need you to do exactly as I say without question. I understand that is a difficult thing for you to do, but all our lives depend on it. Is that understood?"

"No. But I'll do it. So long as we have a conversation after."

Rilyin nodded. "Deal."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Everything Tritteon does. Stand on my other side. Show no emotion. Do not speak. The conversation about to be had is going to be about you. Do not react to it. Try, please try, to regulate your heartrate. Every Guardian and any Zourr with even a drop of Nourr will be able to hear it."

She glanced at me and nodded. "I'll do my best."

"Shield," Rilyin said again, and I lowered it.

An angry hush fell over the room as Rilyin stepped up to the table, cane handle gripped between his hands in front of him, his chair still toppled against the wall behind us, and the girl mirrored my every move, taking Rilyin's left side as I took his right.

Despite her bare feet and plain black shirt and pants, her straight-backed form, slightly disheveled, blood red hair, and piercing, green-eyed gaze gave her a fearsome edge. Like any FengDohrn her age, her size meant nothing.

She'd done what I hadn't, and everyone had witnessed it.

My fight with Seth had ended as was expected. A Guardian tried to kill your charge, you killed them first. And Lady Honwood's and Vialla's despairing screams as I broke Seth's neck was something I wouldn't allow myself to linger on.

But the girl. Every time a chance to kill Gauwin had presented itself, she'd done the exact opposite. She'd chosen the nearly impossible task of incapacitation during a death match and had succeeded. No Guardian I knew could say the same.

"What a disgusting turn of events," Rilyin growled. He motioned to the girl. "Before anything happens further, allow me to introduce all of you to Tritteon's prospective replacement, Miss Theena Aveeve. She is the reason I ordered the Ranking Duels two weeks from now. I did not have a chance to introduce her sooner as she has been quite ill."

The scowl he sent around the table would've caused anyone to doubt his blindness.

"I trust these attempts will cease. If any doubt remains, I'm not sure what other proof I can provide after her skillful display was witnessed by all, but I will gladly hear your concerns over the next few days. As for now, however, I will be taking a personal day. Two assassination attempts in less than forty-eight hours is enough for me." He looked from me to the girl and nodded. "Tritteon. Theena."

I led the way out, the girl following close behind Rilyin. A few Royals attempted to rise but Rilyin shot them a fierce, silver gaze and they shrank back into their seats.


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