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We ignored Colleena's encouragements to change as we left. There wasn't time. I sped ahead, through the portal door before either of them, but Pharro caught up to me in the demolished doorway of the holding cell, Tritteon behind him, and caught my arm, pulling me close enough his mouth was beside my ear.

"Listen carefully. No matter what decision has been reached, under no circumstances must you allow yourself to lose control."

I jerked my arm free. "I'll be fine."

He grabbed me again and pulled me back. "Don't do that. You need to be emotionally prepared for what might very well happen. It would be enormously detrimental for you to be on his bad side. His position in the Creea is very influential and he could cause Rilyin a lot of grief where you are concerned."

I shook him off again. "I said I'll be fine."

His hand closed over my shoulder, but I ducked out from under it and turned away so fast my hair twirled outward. His fingers brushed over my brand, sending a sharp current shooting through me and my legs gave out and I fell to the ground at his feet.

Pharro swore. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean—"

Fury burned through me, but I forced myself to breathe. My claws shot out of my fingers and I pointed them at him. "Don't touch me."

He held up his hands, stepping back. "Alright. Just listen. If the verdict is guilty, their execution will be immediate, and...and because you were the one to request the trial, you will be required to assist."

I was immediately glad I was sitting. I shot a horrified look at Tritteon for confirmation, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. "What?"

"You are the assisting Head Guardian. It is your job."

"He can't make me do that! This is not my actual job!"

"If you don't follow through, he can have you arrested and incarcerated for several months for noncompliance," Tritteon said quietly.

"You understand how dangerous that would be for you," Pharro growled. "Your brand would be registered into public record and anyone looking for you would be able to find you easily."

It felt like someone socked me in the gut. I swallowed hard. "Do—do you know something I don't know? Did he—did he already tell you their decision?"

He bent and took my elbow, helping me to my feet, and I let him. "No. I don't know it yet. I'm only preparing you for a worst-case scenario—"

"The likely scenario," Tritteon mumbled.

I squeezed my eyes shut, burying my fingers in my tangled hair on top of my head. My brand tingled unpleasantly, and nausea bubbled in my stomach. I couldn't believe Pharro had touched it. I couldn't believe I even had it. I couldn't believe Tritteon could compel me without touching it. I couldn't believe there was a possibility I would be required to assist in an execution.

"Are you ready? We need to get in there."

"They're going to be denied, aren't they?"

Pharro hesitated and my stomach did a flip. "I really don't know."

"But you heard some of what they said. You even heard their accounts earlier today. Shouldn't they be fine?"

"I won't give you that kind of hope. This has never happened before. Tritteon isn't wrong to assume the worst." Something began to buzz in his pocket. "That will be him," he said, pulling out his Com. He answered it. "We are ten seconds away." He pocketed it and motioned for me to go in. "Be your brave, authoritative self."

I took a deep breath and went ahead of him. Everything would be fine. Everything would be just fine. Because it had to be. Their lives and Rilyin's life depended on it.

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now