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I kicked up clumsily, but he blocked me with his leg and pinned me with his body, grabbing the back of my neck.

"Stop!" he yelled, pushing a Veehm into my brand.

My entire body went limp.

"Do not move," he commanded.

I felt a Veehm shiver into my ears, and a second later, the com-bead floated out, dropped into his palm, and a second Veehm rippled around it and it flattened and broke apart into tiny, grain sized pieces. Then his hands were at my waist, searching through my pockets until he found my com and Vasprey's key.

"Way to run right into this one," Lexicon chided.

"You weren't paying attention either!"

"I need you to listen very carefully, Orion. As soon as he gives you a completed command, I will be blocked out, and there is only one way to cancel it."

"There's a way to cancel it?"

"Yes. But it goes against all of my programming. That is why I have not mentioned it until now. I do not have information into all of the details. Only this: unless Daniel tells you otherwise, you are not required to fight to the best of your abilities. You must allow anyone who tries to confront you to inflict a deadly blow. My information says you will be killed, but you will not die."

I blinked up at the copper-plated ceiling. "Umm...what?"

"I know. I do not understand it myself. Your entire body has switched to defense mode and this information has entered my programming."

"I have to be killed, but not die to cancel out any command he gives me. Have your circuits shorted?"

"You have to be killed to cancel it out, but you will not die," she corrected.

"That does not make sense," I said angrily.

The lid of the trunk thumped closed and panic set in.

"You have to have something else," I pleaded. "Anything."

Daniel knelt next to me, stowing the small, silver locator and book shaped package in his jacket.

He frowned down at me. "For a Directive, that was far too easy. I'm disappointed. I had anticipated an exciting duel." He looked at something above my head. "You are bleeding quite a bit. Forgive me. I expected you to block it, or at least duck." He reached down and gripped the back of my neck again.

I closed my eyes as a shiver went through my spine, feeling a lot like needles stabbing their way down it.

"You seem a bit confused. So, you may speak unless I say otherwise. Answer yes if my command is accepted."

I swallowed, testing my throat, holding my tongue for as long as I could before the needles stabbing all over my body became unbearable and formed the words for me. "Yes," I hissed. The stabbing stopped.

"Good girl."

"Lexicon," I tried.

She didn't answer. I was alone in this.

"Where is Tritteon? How did you get here first?" I said, dreading the answer.

He grinned. "That was a good trick, wasn't it? Just a hologram and a flash grenade. I also Veehmed up a sound barrier so no one in the Infirmary would hear it and come help revive him sooner. I needed a minute with you first." He squinted at me. "He should be fine, if that is what you're worrying about. It's amusing to see how your lowly existence has enabled you to care for such a creature." He laughed. "It's embarrassing to even fathom."

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now