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I gritted my teeth. "You didn't hold the wire down for the allotted time for any of the tests."

"Be bold," Lexicon said.

"I don't need your encouragement."

She made a small snorting sound like she had a physical nose. "So sorry."

"You made sure I passed," I said to Pharro. "You basically forged my results."

For a moment, I could've sworn I saw a hint of surprise somewhere in his stony expression.

"Does Tritteon know?" I asked, a drop of fear sliding into my stomach.

Pharro glanced back over his shoulder, and then that shield seemed to tighten around us.

"It is a Thet shield," Lexicon said.

"Of course not. And if anything happens strong enough to break any of those blocks, you hide it. You must never use any of them save the ones I registered you as having. Do you understand?"

The seriousness of his expression was intense. I took an unconscious step backward, but he squeezed my arm and pulled me closer.

"You do understand, don't you?" he pressed.

"I'm an illegal. Yes, I got that part. But—" The words wouldn't form. "Why—"

"Good." He released my arm. "Now is not the time to discuss this further." The barrier dissolved around us.

Heat flared in my chest. "Seriously? Just like that? Why do you keep everything from me?"

He jabbed his finger toward the window like I was a small child being told to stay put. "Stay here and watch. Nothing else."

Heat burned in my hands and I wanted nothing but to throw it at his back as he walked away.

I blinked and looked down.

A red glow emanated between the fingers of my closed fists. I opened them slowly and the glow dimmed and went out.

"Was that Destere?" I asked Lexicon.


"That was easy."

"Of course it was easy. Our overall memories may have been wiped, but your Poeir's are not new to you."

"You are correct my lord. Tell the young Prince Konrath he is an idiot," Pharro's voice floated down the hall. There was a pause. Then laughter erupted from the room with the observation screens and the three guards down the hall chuckled.

"I wouldn't have put it so nicely," the woman, Kraven I guessed, said. "I still find it hard to believe that power hungry twit is Dugana's successor."

"Sir, you are looking worse and worse," a woman said from the room. "You need to lie down. If Thash knew you were here, she would kill you."

"She knows," Pharro said. "You can imagine her reaction."

"Sir," Dellsen called out. "The eyes of Gauwin Nam have flashed black twenty-nine times in the last minute and the eyes of Seth Hale have flashed thirty-two times."

"They have to have something really pressing on their minds for that to happen," Lexicon said.

"How do you know so much about all of this, but nothing about you or me?"

"That is a fantastic question I wish I knew the answer to."

"If Nazonna senses any danger, we need to get everyone on standby, now," Corda said.

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