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We halted at the table covered in a beautiful assortment of uncooked or partially cooked meats, most still swimming in their own juices.

Gauwin turned as Vialla stopped behind us, tentatively waiting her turn. "There's room on the other side of the table, imp. Your presence annoys me."

Vialla shrugged and practically skipped to where Gauwin had indicated, the few curls that had escaped their clips bouncing around her face. "Call me imp again and I will cut your face off," she said, her pleasant smile unwavering.

Gauwin grinned, eyeing the girl, her fascination piqued. "I'd love to see you try."

I reached for a plate, preparing to intervene if Gauwin decided to start anything, but Rilyin's voice reached me first, spoken quietly but easy to distinguish. "Will you bring me a little something? Surprise me?"

I glanced back to see him smile at me briefly before returning to his conversation with the next Monarch, Princess Charlotte Aundran.

"Leave Vialla alone," I shot at Gauwin, and headed for the table with small sandwiches and fruit.

"Where are you going?" she asked, a hint of disgust rising in her voice when she realized my destination. "Your human side isn't taking over again, is it?"

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her, and prepared the plate.

By the time I made my way over to him, plate in one hand, drink in the other, one of Rilyin's Ambassadors, Lord Barris Vonlinn approached the dais, his Guardian, Daniel, at his side.

He bowed and his guardian bowed lower.

Rilyin nodded. "Welcome. I hope your travel here wasn't entirely unpleasant."

Vonlinn gazed around at the food covered tables, grinning. "This sight alone makes it all worth it," he laughed.

"Lady Vonlinn is on a new diet," Daniel, said. "Needless to say, we are both very excited to see real food again."

Though the others laughed, I couldn't help but feel irritation at the boy's breach in protocol. Guardians did not speak to other Monarchs unless given specific permission by their Sponsors or the situation called for it. But being the only human Guardian here, he seemed to be under the impression the rule didn't apply to him. And with it being his third year attending Respite with Vonlinn, he was becoming more and more lax.

Daniel caught my disapproving glare and looked down quickly, swearing inwardly at forgetting the rules.

I passed them, climbing the dais. "Sir," I said, passing Rilyin the plate and glass.

"Perfect timing. I'm sure my stomach could be heard by everyone in this room."

"I wouldn't doubt it," Ordan chuckled.

Rilyin nodded back to where I'd come. "Thank you, Tritteon. That will be all."

I bowed, shooting Daniel a brief glare, before returning to the table Gauwin had come back to, three plates of food in front of her. When she saw my hands empty, she shifted a bit so I wouldn't be able to access hers without getting stabbed.

"These are mine. Get your own."

"You do realize you can go back more than once," a newcomer said, stopping at Kasra's other side.

"Shut up, Aeryn. No one asked you," she growled, stabbing a meat cube with her fork like it was Aeryn's hand.

He raised his hands. "I take it vacation isn't agreeing with you?"

"Don't start," Kasra said quietly, taking a sip of the sparkling blue liquid in her flute glass. "She'll only bite your head off."

"Fair enough."

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now