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"Now, the first rule of the doors: never let a guest see you use them. Second: never leave the door open or anyone can follow. Lastly: if for any reason that device runs the risk of falling into the wrong hands, turn the thumb ring clockwise three times. It will disintegrate."

I nodded.

"Good." He reached into another pocket and pulled out two items. He held out the first, the silver, oval device small enough to fit just inside the palm of my hand. "This is your Com. I'm sure Tritteon told you how to use it."

"Yes," I said, running my thumb over its smooth, cool surface. Symbols glowed to life in the wake of my touch.

"Check in procedure begins at seven sharp. Do not lose it." He scanned my dress. "Knowing Colette, I'm sure she added pockets to your ensemble. If you need to put it down for any reason, put it in there. It does not leave your person."

I ran my hands over the folds of my dress and found one at each hip.

"Understood," I said.

"Now this," he said, opening the small lid of the second item and dumping its content into his hand. A single, gold, tear shaped bead rolled out into his palm. "This is for your ear. Just inside." He turned his head so I could see a gold bead nestled just inside his earhole. "This will allow you to stay in constant, hands-free, contact with the security team and the security team with you so nothing gets past anyone." He pointed up at the ceiling. "They see all and hear all and will be on hand to assist with anything you need."

I nodded, sliding the bead in.

It let off a soft beep.

"Good morning, Guardian Aveeve," a female voice said in my ear. "This is Vix. As Gonreem said, my team and I will be on hand to assist you with anything you need. Direct us as you will."

I recalled the second member of the Surveillance Team to mind, the short, black haired woman with yellow eyes who was second in command. "Thank you, Vix. I will take over Guard check-ins in forty-five minutes."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now, to use the doors—" Pharro started.

"I know," I said, relieved at how effortlessly I was able to call forth all the information Tritteon had given me, without Lexicons help. "Grip the handle with your middle finger and thumb parallel with the floor, think the name of the place you are going and turn the handle until your thumb is pointing toward the floor."

Pharro nodded. "You know where we are headed, I assume?"

"The Korbell Room," I said, taking the handle. I thought the name in my head and turned it and heat burned from the black triangle. I distinctly felt its shape. I pulled the door open and stuck my head out into a brightly lit corridor with a towering ceiling covered in black vines and an intricately carved set of bronze doors a few yards down the hall, two guards on either side of it. "So cool," I couldn't stop myself from whispering. It was one thing to see it done. It was another thing entirely to do it yourself.

As soon as we stepped through, Pharro closed the door and the men straightened to a salute.

"Remember what Tritteon said. Take charge when the men salute. You are in command," Lexicon said.

I concentrated hard on keeping my hands relaxed at my sides.

"Do not show emotion. Emotion is weakness."

I switched my com to my other hand and saluted the men as we came to a halt in front of them. I could see the unease in their eyes. I was surprised there wasn't more. Sure, they'd been told I would be taking over for Tritteon today. But I wondered if it was their trust in Rilyin or Tritteon or Pharro that stopped them from doubting me entirely.

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