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"If things don't change soon, we're going to have to move your beds in here," Colleena said, trying for humor. She didn't smile, though. She knelt beside Orion, who, in the last three hours, hadn't stirred once. Her burns were gone and Colleena had just finished healing up the final gaping wound in her back. But she wouldn't wake.

"Her vitals are stronger," I said, resisting the overwhelming urge to draw closer. The first and only time I'd tried, Colleena had nearly chewed my head off, yelling at me about how her Core had kept me alive all the other times, that it gave without her permission, taking everything she needed, leaving nothing for herself, and if I was near her, she would never recover.

So, I'd watched and waited at the other end of the shower, long after Colleena said my system was clear, unable to leave her side. After everything we'd gone through to get Rilyin back, it was her I couldn't part with. Though I had yet to see Rilyin, the fact that I knew he was safe somewhere in the Rest House was all the reassurance I needed. He could come here if he needed something. I wouldn't be leaving until she walked out with me.

"Oh, my dear. Welcome back to the land of the living," Colleena said softly, brushing wet hair away from Orion's brow.

I nearly lunged forward, but Colleena had been expecting it and already had her hand up to stop me.

"Are we back?" Orion rasped, her words strained.

"Everyone is back. Everyone is well."

She jolted upright. "Tritteon?"

Colleena tried to push her back down. "Woah. You've been out for hours. Let's take this slow."

I moved, unable to control the instinct any longer, and sank down at Orion's other side, ignoring the daggers Colleena's eyes shot my way. "I'm here."

Orion immediately stopped fighting. Her jade eyes found mine and shuttered closed, and a serene smile spread across her face.

I drew my thumb across her chin, and she sighed. "It's a good thing there are two of us, what with how much time we both spend unconscious."

I grinned.

"You're job sucks."

"It really is quite awful," Colleena agreed, picking herself up, Asoiri pouring from her clothes. She pointed a scolding finger at me. "Stop touching her. Let her heal."

I sank back against the wall, showing her my hands. "Yes, ma'am."

"And you," she said to Orion. "Don't get up until I say you can."

"Yes, ma'am," Orion smiled, her eyes still closed.

We waited in silence for a few minutes while Colleena rung out her clothes and hair, pulled a towel from a cupboard on the wall, eyed both of us pointedly one more time, and then left.

Orion's first question was unsurprising. "What happened to Cort and Daniel?"

"Quick or graphic version?"

Her smile didn't falter, but it did turn a little feline. "All of it."

I folded my arms to resist touching her again. "Per Gauwin's account, Desraeon incapacitated Daniel while she and Aeryn took down Cort. She said it was easy as you'd already done all the work for them. While Aeryn held Cort, Gauwin ripped out Cort's throat," I said, watching her reactions carefully. "Well, she did a little more than that. Went a bit overboard, actually. Enjoyed probably every last drop of his blood if her story is to be believed."

Orion didn't seem upset by any of it. "What did Desraeon do with Daniel?"

"He is in a holding cell as we speak, awaiting the Creea Officials who have decided, for obvious reasons, to have him transported to the Capital as soon as possible."

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