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I didn't escort her to her room like I'd said. I left her in Colleena and Dellsen's more than capable hands and found a perch high in the stacks where I could watch them from a distance, unable to stand another second in the girl's presence.

Not when she was so dangerous and currently so easy to kill.

Only Rilyin's order had convinced me to grab her before she'd fallen off that ladder. Because there was no doubt in my mind she would've broken her neck. She was so sickeningly fragile.

I watched and waited until they'd gone, Colleena promising to bring the girl back as often as she wanted despite my orders. Colleena had never been one for following them. I wasn't sure why I'd expected her to start now.

I'd hoped Dellsen's fear of me would've at least made him somewhat of a deterrent. But I'd underestimated Colleena's weakness for small, damaged things, no matter how dangerous they might be.

The library doors closed, and I drew in a breath for calm. I was going to need it.

Asis had thought he'd been so inconspicuous. But it hadn't taken reading his mind to see what he'd done.

"Asis!" I called, just loud enough the summoning spell linked to the Librarian, laced throughout the Library, would activate.

Asis appeared behind me, four large stacks of books hovering over his head. "I'm very busy, as you can see, Nazonna. Make it quick."

I narrowed my eyes at the beads of sweat on his forehead. "Are you alright?"

He waved his hand dismissively and one of the stacks wobbled. "Unusually tired all of the sudden. What do you want, boy? Is this about your strange...uh..." He cocked his head. "What exactly is she to you?"

"A nuisance," I growled. "And yes, this is about her. I saw what you did."

The books faltered. He lowered all four stacks to the floor behind him before he dropped them. "What are you talking about?"

"The girl never would've answered any of your questions so willingly."

Asis's expression gave nothing away.

"And the glass reflects. I have seen Rilyin's sister do it enough times to recognize it, Horace."

Asis sighed. "After everything that has happened, can you really blame me? Her hair is red, for goodness sake."

Darkness swirled into my sight, turning the world shades of violet. "And as unfortunate as that flaw is, you do not have the authorization to entice the truth out of her."

He feigned offense. "I did no such thing. I simply regulated her blood pressure and altered a few chemicals in her brain. She gave her answers willingly."

His amusement faded at the clear threat of violence on my face.

"Fine. Then answer me this. Why are you hiding her, Tritteon? She is the one they are all speaking of, isn't she? The half-dead girl covered in blood who fell from the sky?"

I rolled my eyes skyward, but he couldn't tell because they were still solid black. "No one is hiding her. She is Colleena's patient. She is still in recovery as you could very well see for yourself. For her own safety, she doesn't need to be around anyone right now."

Asis squinted at me. "What happened to her? The poor thing looks like death walking."

"She was rescued from a volatile situation. That is all I am at liberty to say."

Asis nodded his understanding. And then he swayed.

Colors returned to normal and I reached out to steady him, but he swatted my hand away.

"I'm fine—" He had to grab the shelf next to him before he fell.

I threw out a Veehm to hover near him if catching him became necessary. "What is happening?"

He lifted his shaking right hand to look at it. The skin looked red, almost blistered. "I don't know. I think I might go lie down."

"What did you touch?"

"Nothing unusual."

"The top shelves?"

"Not since we arrived."

His hand slipped and I solidified my Veehm so he didn't go anywhere. "Let's get you to Colleena."


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