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"Now feels like the perfect time to fill me in," Rilyin gasped, gripping the door frame with one hand and his chest with the other.

My head fell back against Desraeon's shoulder because it was too heavy. "The short or long version?"

"The informative version," Rilyin growled.

I took a deep breath. "Well, Daniel Onra is the Vek traitor. He guessed at what I was really doing here as soon as he saw me. He tried to get Tritteon and I to kill each other. Almost succeeded. We managed to capture him alive in hopes of using him to prove the three FengDohrn are innocent, but Angquin tried to break him out, probably under the influence of the second, unnamed Vek. And now the Carnac horde, led by second unnamed Vek, are going to attack the Rest House until Daniel is released and they take me back with them because I can't be killed."

"Onra has been Vonlinn's Guardian for the last three years," Desraeon said. "His shield must have been crafted by Corvek himself for Tritteon to have missed this."

"How many people know that Tritteon is a...?"

"Pharro knows as well," Rilyin said shortly. "But that is the extent of it."

I frowned. "Why haven't you told him? He tried to kill me when he realized I knew. Why would you put him through that?"

Rilyin exchanged glances with Desraeon. "It was not a malicious decision. If he had grown up knowing Pharro and I knew, he would not have developed the discipline required to hide a secret such as his. He may have grown lax and slipped."

I sighed. It was a good reason. "Is he allowed to know now?"

Rilyin nodded. "I think that would benefit everyone."

The hallway shook violently. Cracks appeared in the ceiling and a few small pieces of stone fell around us.

"They did it," Desraeon growled. "They really blew it up."

Rilyin straightened his robe and began walking toward the giant, white doors as if nothing had happened. "You said two other FengDohrn are down here. What happened?"

I tore my eyes away from the ceiling. "Daniel made them attack Pharro and I. There was a third, but he is dead."

Rilyin closed his eyes. "Who was it?"


"And the other two?"

"Aeryn and Vialla."

Rilyin stopped and shot Desraeon a look, his expression darkening.

"Who is the third FengDohrn down here?" Desraeon demanded.

"Gauwin Nam," Rilyin said, giving him a knowing nod.

I glanced between them. "What did you both just figure out?"

"Those FengDohrn were not chosen at random," Desraeon said. "Whenever Corvek gives his spawn an attack order, that attack is always layered. If he wants something done, he will do everything in his power to make sure the most damage is caused. Gralli, Sorrell, and Aundran, three of ConCiagon's sovereigns, are vocally against Konrath Raziel's succession. Disgracing them would be an opportunity he would not be able to resist."

I blew out a breath. "Why stop at Rilyin when you can go after anyone who opposes you."

"Yes," Rilyin said, rubbing his brow.

"But what about Seth, Angquin, and Ambassador Vasprey?"

Rilyin stepped closer. "That's right. You mentioned Angquin attempted to release Daniel. What exactly happened to her and Ezlinn?"

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