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"Sorrell?" Rilyin said, leaning against his desk, his arms folded, the knuckles of one hand pressed to his mouth.

"It doesn't make any sense," Pharro growled, leaning back in his chair, his head swimming. "Up until this point, he has always portrayed himself as a reasonable person with a similar desire for peace as yourself. This was entirely out of character."

"If he suspected something, why wouldn't he have simply ordered a Mediation? Six of us are present. My sister does not need to be here for it to count."

Pharro coughed into a handkerchief, revealing more spots of blood when he pulled it away. "Perhaps they already did."

Rilyin blew out a breath. "If that's true, we can reasonably expect further attacks from the others." He stood and limped around to the other side. "And my introducing her was probably meaningless to them."

"We need to call a Mediation immediately, then," Pharro said.

Rilyin nodded. "I want a word with Sorrell first."

Pharro dabbed at the tickle of blood sliding from his nose. "Fine. But I'll need to return to Colleena first before I do anything further. So, please wait until Tritteon has finished testing the girl. The Kovei are powerful, but not infallible."

Rilyin hesitated. "Do you think he's going to be alright?"


"Yes. I understand the stress he has been under, but his opposition to the girl's presence is, frankly, unnerving. And after killing his friend today, I worry it will only worsen."

"I'm relieved you've noticed."

"I'm blind, Pharro. Not ignorant."

"If we need to take further action, we will. But let's see if she's capable of changing his mind. Even with that brand, I know she's fully capable of taking care of herself."

"She was magnificent today, wasn't she?"

"More than we could've hoped for."

The door to Rilyin's suite burst open and Colleena stormed inside. "Where is she?"

Rilyin didn't turn. He'd probably heard her coming. "Good afternoon, Thash."

"Don't good afternoon me," she snapped, dropping her black bag in the office doorway. "After everything I've done the last four days, I'm entitled to a little information about my patient."

"She's fine," Rilyin smiled. "Whatever you did, she was able to take on Gauwin Nam and come out without a scratch. Your skills really are unequaled."

She blinked. "Nam? Gauwin Nam was your attacker?"

"And Seth Hale," Pharro said.

She stared. "Are they—are they dead?"

"Hale is," Rilyin said sadly.

"But Sorrell and Honwood—"

"We haven't had a chance to speak with them yet."

Colleena muttered a few curses. "He saw her. He and Nam saw her, just yesterday morning on our way up to the Testing Wing. I'm sorry. With everything going on, I forgot to mention the encounter."

"Did he say anything?" Pharro asked.

She shook her head. "The interaction was brief. I tried to keep attention off her, but she'd just vomited and she's very hard not to stare at." Colleena pushed her hands through her hair. "Alright. The—the girl. Where is she now? I need to run some tests."

"Tritteon has taken her down to his training arena to test her skills a bit more. I'm sure they'll both be on their way up to you when they're done."

She ground her teeth, looking like she might start yelling.

"I appreciate everything you've done for her," Rilyin interjected before she could start. "You have done a beautiful job with her healing. It's only because of you she was able to save my life today."

She looked ready to spit fire. "Send her to me when you're done. I'm giving her a full eval before she does anything else for you."

Rilyin nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Momentarily mollified, she jabbed a finger at Pharro. "You. Infirmary. Now."

Rilyin stiffened, his head tilting slightly like he was listening to something far away.

Pharro straightened, the ground moved, and he fell back into his chair. "What is it?"

"He didn't wait for me," Rilyin growled. He gripped his cane and brushed past Colleena from the room, leaving Pharro swearing in his chair, unable to follow.


The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now