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I stepped into the Infirmary, shutting the doors quietly behind me.

A soundproof shield surrounding them, Rilyin and Desraeon didn't turn from their conversation.

I leaned back against the doors, breathing deeply as my body tensed and shivered sporadically. An incessant tightness had begun in my chest and it wouldn't go away. And it had nothing to do with my current emotional state.

I glanced around the room for any sign of Tritteon. I knew he wasn't there because I would've sensed him. But the anxiety infused need to know where he was only intensified until I checked the shower room as well. I was grateful my com had been destroyed, because those buzzing, nagging nerves would have made me call him if I'd had it.

I threw a Veehm across a bed, clearing it of glass shards, and sat, ordering my hands to be still.

Several, torturous minutes later, the shield vanished and Rilyin shook the Oria's hand, patted his shoulder, and winked at me before walking from the room.

Desraeon beckoned me closer. I stood but stayed where I was.

He looked me up and down. "You look different."

I folded my arms, taking deep breaths to calm myself. "Do I?"

He smiled, walking a bit closer. "I don't believe I have ever seen you looking so sophisticated."

I grimaced as my body tensed and shivered again.

His smile faded and his eyes darted toward my arms, still coated in blood. "What's wrong?"

I didn't answer. I doubted I would be able to respond calmly.

He looked down and that ancientness about him vanished, turning him into a young man full of regret. "It happened, didn't it?"

I couldn't help it. I yelled. "You knew this would happen?"

He closed the space between us and took my hands, squeezing them gently. "I did not mean for it to happen. I foresaw it happening at some point. But I did not know it would be this soon, or even how it would come to happen."

I pulled my hands away. "You foresaw it?"

He nodded. "You will both have a long, important future together. I have to admit, I hate that he is a FengDohrn. I am an Oria, so I hate him on principle. But we cannot always choose who will save us."


He sighed. "Forgive me. I am being cryptic. I need to be going. Stay with them, Orion. Please. As hard as it is to believe, you will be safer here. I will send added protection for you in a few months. I would do it sooner but—"

"I can't do that. I'll be safer on my own. Are you completely ignoring everything that just happened? I nearly got the Emperor and his FengDohrn killed. In fact, Tritteon died, twice. Their lives are in danger with me here. Not to mention, I don't want to be anywhere near Tritteon ever again."

"You will not always feel that way toward him. And things will be different in Fairudin. The Protections on the Palace are even stronger. And, as I said, I will be sending you added protection shortly."

I hid my fists behind me as another shiver rocked through me. "Can you guarantee this won't happen again?"

"There is no way he could connect you both in that way twice."

"No!" I motioned angrily to the destruction around us. "This!"

He nodded. "I can guarantee it will be ten times worse if you are on your own. You seem to be under the impression you can go off and simply disappear. You don't understand what a Vek is truly capable of."

"Daniel is—"

"Not dead."

"When they're done with him, he will be."

Desraeon nodded. "Let's hope you are right."

"Wait. Is there a chance they won't carry out his execution?"

He shrugged. "It depends on how greedy they are. He could easily escape before they decide they are finished with him."

"But they—"

"—Don't understand what a Vek is truly capable of."

I rubbed my hands over my face. "This still doesn't change my decision—"

"You mean the decision you promised Rilyin you wouldn't make for two more weeks?" he said with a sly smile.

"It would be irresponsible for me to stay."

"No. It would be irresponsible to go."

"Do you have facts to back that up?"

He didn't reply. He looked away from me, his eyes searching empty space. Finally, he turned back. "I can't tell you. Doing so at this juncture would be disastrous."

"Disastrous?" I said doubtfully.

He took my face in his hands. "I need to go. But you need to know, I am so sorry I had to resort to such lengths to keep you here. It was one part of your future I had hoped to avoid for as long as possible. But your stubbornness did not give me a choice."

I pulled back, heat filling my hands. " told Tritteon to do this to keep me here?"

"No. But I instructed Rilyin to keep that part of his education brief so that when the time came, his chivalry and ignorance would enable him to complete the process."

My growing Veehm faltered. "What exactly did he do to the both of us?"

Desraeon shook his head. "I won't tell you that. I will share one thing about it, though." He gripped my shoulders as another shiver went through me. "The more time you spend in each other's presence, the less this will affect you."

I stared at him. "How connected are we?"

He shook his head again and bowed slightly. "Goodbye, my dear." He moved toward the door. "You will find out everything in time."

I hesitated. "Wait."

He paused, his back to me. "Yes?"

I bit my lips together, wondering if I dared. "In the letter you left on me, you promised that the next time I saw you, you would give me back my memories if I wanted them."

He didn't turn.

"I want them."

He turned slowly, shaking his head. "I can't. I did not foresee seeing you this soon. Once again, now is not the right juncture."

"Of course not," I hissed.

"Trust me," he said softly. "You would not be able to handle them right now. I—" He paused, searching the ground thoughtfully. "Well..."

I held my breath.

He nodded. "I can give you one..."

I stepped toward him eagerly.

"It won't be pleasant."

"I'll be able to handle it," I assured him.

He took my hand, rubbing it between his own. "No. You won't," he said. He raised his hand in front of my face. I braced myself as his middle finger glowed blue and he flicked it against my forehead, right between my eyes.

The memory rushed through me so fast all I registered at first was the horrendous pain.

When I opened my eyes, I was curled up on the floor, gripping my chest, and Desraeon was gone.

* * * * * * * * * * *

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