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Pharro collapsed on the Infirmary bed. He had over done it. Blood stained his handkerchief and the room rocked back and forth.

"My Capital team got back with yours and Horaces' results," Colleena mumbled from the doorway, pouring over her charts. "Well, they did a couple hours ago, but you weren't here to receive them."

If eye rolling wasn't so abhorrent, he would have done it. "If I had been, he and Tritteon might be dead," he said.

"Yes, well..." She glanced up from her charts. "...I'm quite sure the girl is the one to thank for that."

"She was amazing, wasn't she?" he said, mentally reliving her performance.

"From what I heard," Colleena said. Her eyes narrowed. "What exactly do you know about her you are keeping to yourself?"

Pharro cleared his throat and tasted more blood. "Let's revert to my results, shall we?

She raised an unimpressed brow. "Sure." She Veehmed a chair to his bedside and sat. "You have some explaining to do."


"Just like Horace, your blood I sent them was radioactive."

That wasn't surprising. His expression must have revealed that.

She threw her charts on his bed. "You knew that?"

He regretted not feigning surprise. "I did."

"Why didn't you say anything? We could've started you both on the correct treatment immediately."

"There wasn't time."

"You realize if we had taken care of this yesterday, it would've taken six hours, tops?"

He frowned. "I do now."

"At your current rate of deterioration, you should have died yesterday. But only my Harix tea and treatments slowed everything down." Her eyes glowed as she scanned his chest. "It looks like it's sped up again. Your security staff and everyone else you have come in contact with will be understandably cross with you when they hear they will have to undergo similar treatment."

"It's transferable?"

"Of course it is." Her eyes glowed. "Just looking around like this and I can see everywhere you have stood or touched."

Pharro swore and tried to sit up. But his body weighed him down. "What about Rilyin?"

Her eyes widened. "Did you touch him?"

"No. But I stood near him, and Tritteon. I did touch the girl, however."

Her expression relaxed a little and she lowered herself back onto her chair. "Alright. I will treat them when they get here." She gathered up her charts. "Before I start on your treatment, however, I have to ask. How did this happen? I know just about every inch of this building and there is nothing I am aware of that could cause such deadly levels of radiation."

Pharro stifled another wet, bloody cough. "Will that knowledge effect my treatment?"

She glared at him. "No."

"Then it doesn't matter."

"Of course it does," she said angrily. "We need to be sure whatever it was doesn't affect anyone else."

"I've handled it," he said impatiently. "It's no longer a threat."

She leaned toward him, giving him her stubborn, intent stare. "Why did your symptoms appear after you gave that girl her Poeir Test?"

Her stubbornness was something he usually admired about her. Now was not one of those times. "It is not relevant, Colleena."

"Oh, don't give me that. Your refusing to tell me makes it clear this is about the girl. You're forgetting. I gave her a complete scan when she got here. I saw how unusual she is."

Pharro was silent, unsure if continuing to dismiss her questions was really a wise decision.

His silence was answer enough for her. She was on her feet again. "She was the cause of this."

He didn't reply.

"My staff has all been around her as well, Pharro. How dangerous is she?"

He sighed. "I promise you, she isn't dangerous anymore. I took care of the issue and it will never happen again. That will have to satisfy you, because it is all I will say concerning the matter."

Colleena hesitated, and then nodded slowly. "I can live with that, for now."

He raised an eyebrow.

She shuffled through her charts. "Let's get you well. Once treatment is started, I will have Neill and Averin return you to your rooms. No need to spend more time with insufferable you than absolutely necessary."

He smiled. "Thank you, Colleena."

She rolled her eyes but returned his smile. "Sure."

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