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I didn't get much food down before I threw it all up. It was far too rich. I only just managed to grab and dump out the ice bucket in time.

I was done. I would try again later. Nothing looked even remotely appealing after that.

"I'm sorry," Colleena said, rubbing my back. "We should have ordered you something a bit simpler. It seems my treatments haven't been taking as well as I'd hoped." She squeezed my arm and stood. "Well, His Highness's meeting finished ten minutes ago. We shouldn't keep him waiting if we can help it. He may be on holiday, but he still has limited amounts of free time."

"He's going to be there too?" I nudged the bucket under the table, hoping to cut off the smell enough my stomach might stop clenching. I'd half expected it to melt like Colleena's vial and the bathroom floor had, but apparently that vomit had been special.

"Only for a few minutes. He has another event in an hour. Are you ready?"

"I would rather walk this off," I said, stifling a vomit flavored belch.

"Then we'll take the long way to the testing wing." She helped me to stand and I followed her from the Dining Room.

The doors opened before we reached them and I tensed as two people entered—a tall, slender girl in a pearly gray suit, with silvery gray hair and pale, blue eyes, and an even taller man in a similar suit save for the intricate embroidery and silver tasseled epaulets on his shoulders. If it wasn't for the fine lines in his face and his stark, white hair, he could've passed for a younger man. Though the girl's ear was clear of tallies, the man possessed two along with a small, black loop earring with a small black, gem dangling from it.

The girl's icy eyes darted toward me and that same feeling of other I got from Tritteon radiated from her as well, though not as strongly. How many of them were there?

Colleena grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side until our backs were nearly touching the wall, and lowered her head. "Prince Sorrell."

I would've kept staring at both of them had the urgency in her grip not convinced me to follow her lead.

The man stopped in front of us and through my lashes I could see him smiling broadly. The girl halted beside him, her eyes narrowing on my face. "Good morning, High Healer Thash." He took Colleena's hand and lifted it to his lips. "It is wonderful to see you again."

Only then did she raise her head. "You as well, your Highness."

His eyes turned to me. "And who is this?"

I kept my gaze lowered, hoping I wouldn't have to actually respond to what should've been a simple enough question.

"She is a long-term patient of mine," Colleena said, scooping an arm around my skeletal shoulders.

I peered up to see him smiling down at me and didn't miss his brief glance at my hair. "What wonderful timing for you. How are you enjoying our Respite?"

I wouldn't recommend it, I didn't say. "The food was good," I said, remembering how good Tritteon's nose had been and wondering if the girl could smell the vomit on my breath. She was close enough.

Concern shown in the Prince's eyes as he scanned me up and down, but his smile remained. The girl, on the other hand, smirked, amused by my lame commendation. She definitely smelled it.

"Well, hopefully you find a few more things to enjoy," he said kindly. He inclined his head to Colleena. "Enjoy your morning, my dear."

"Thank you, sir," she bowed. "You as well."

Colleena waited until they'd stepped into the Dining Room before nudging me on, through the doors that opened before she had to knock on them. And she didn't speak until we were a floor up.

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now