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By the time we exited the bathroom, the incredible smell of food had filled the bedroom. A small, gold, cart had been parked just inside the red doors, each of its three tiers containing a tray covered by a large, gold, domed lid.

"I thought we were going down for breakfast," I said, smoothing the front of my new robe, not in the least bit disappointed. The robe was identical to Colleena's with buttons that ran down the front from left shoulder to right hip. But mine was white. And I wore a plain, white shirt and white pants beneath it.

Colleena pushed the cart over to the small table in the middle of the seating area and took a seat on the couch. "His Highness changed his mind." She patted the spot next to her. "He has decided it would be better for you to take a few days to get a bit of strength back before he, throws-you-to-the-wolves, as it were."

I frowned. "A few days? And do what exactly? Stay in this room?"

She nodded slowly, her brow furrowed, considering.

I took a seat on the chair opposite her. "Tell me. If you showed up somewhere with no memory of anything, would you be able to just sit here while no one told you anything?"

She grinned. "No, I'd probably go crazy and strangle someone." She canted her head. "But admit it, you were relieved when I told you we wouldn't be going down to breakfast."

I leaned back in my seat, crossing my arms. "I don't want to meet anyone. I just want the opportunity to get out of this room and find answers."

Colleena stood abruptly. "Alright. Then let's go find you some." She grabbed the cart handles and steered it back toward the doors.

I blinked at her. "Are you being serious?"

"I know the perfect place where we can eat, and you can explore without running into anyone." She pulled the doors open. "Hurry up. The bacon is getting cold."

Someone popped their head around the corner. "Where are we going?"

Colleena jumped, nearly upending the cart. "Dellsen! What did I tell you about jumping out at people?"

"I escorted you up here," the man snorted. "Did you think I would just leave?"

"It's been over three hours. Yes, I thought you'd have found something better to do."

Dellsen pointed his thumbs to either side of him. "These two are good company." He looked at me. "And when they told me the girl tried to leave the room last night, I thought I'd stick around to see if you needed a hand."

I walked unsteadily over to peek out into the hallway. While I felt better after everything Colleena had done, I still felt weak and a little dizzy and had to grip the edge of the cart to lean forward.

The Kovei didn't so much as acknowledge me. "You can understand them?"

A full head taller, Dellsen looked down at me, his strange yellow eyes, not unlike Colleena's, narrowed. "I appreciate the fact you aren't denying it." He glanced back at the Kovei before returning his gaze to me. "Of course I can understand them. Their language is a required skill in this profession."

"He has it easy, though," Colleena said, rolling her eyes. "He's a Terehi, meaning he can communicate with nearly any living creature at will."

I noted the two tallies on his earlobe. "That's a Poeir? What's your other one?"

His brow furrowed. "I'm not sure that's any of your business."

I frowned. "Sorry. I didn't realize it was rude to ask."

"It isn't rude," Colleena sighed. "Dellsen is just paranoid."

Dellsen motioned to all of me. "I have every reason to be."

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now