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The Creea Official appeared within the holo-projection from the small, onyx cube on the floor beside Daniel's cell, small white jewels set in a curving pattern, lifting her glossy, black hair back on one side of her head. I didn't miss her hesitation, or the look she gave my hair which Pharro had said looked more dark-brown since it was wet.


"I am Theena Aveeve—temporary Head Guardian and temporary second Guardian to His Highness, Rilyin Dugana."

The woman arched a perfect eyebrow, her blue eyes bearing into me.

Pharro motioned for me to continue.

"...High Sovereign Emperor of ConCiagon."

Pharro nodded, and the woman softened her expression.

"Please state for what purpose you have requested this test be performed today."

I swallowed, recalling the wording Pharro had told me to use. "I am seeking a stay of execution for all three FengDohrn. It is my belief they were not acting of their own volition. I wish to prove this by, first, confirming Mr. Onra is, in fact, a Vek. And second, by submitting visual recording as well as that confirmation as evidence of reasonable doubt in order to request approval that the truth drug be administered to each of them."

She squinted at me, like she was trying to gage whether or not I was serious.

I held her gaze without blinking.

"Very well. And for the record, who will be performing the test?"

"High Advisor, Lord Pharro Gonreem."

Pharro nodded again.

"Present him and you may begin."

Pharro motioned for me to bow.

"Thank you," I said, bowing low.

Pharro stepped up beside me, bowing to the woman.

"High Advisor, do you have any objections to this test?"

"I do not, High Councilwoman Gatten. Theena has my entire support."

"Very well. You may proceed."

I stepped aside and Pharro took over the control screen on the cell. Its opaque surface became translucent and Daniel blinked up at me in a moment of surprise before it turned quickly to a glower. He sat, legs crossed, his wrists anchored to the floor by the chain, his left arm bandaged from elbow to shoulder.

I struggled to keep the grin off my face. It felt good to see him like that.

"Hello, Daniel," I said, allowing a brief smile.

He didn't respond. His gaze shifted to Pharro who appeared to be typing codes into the pad.

A small circle of floor behind Daniel parted and two thick, black, snake-like cables slithered out of it. One sprang into the air and hovered over his head, a two-inch-long silver pin poking out of the end of it. The second slid up behind him, stopping at the back of his head. An inch-wide strap shot out of the end of it, wrapping itself around his forehead, and he closed his eyes as his face was forced skyward, his throat bobbing.

"Aveeve, shall I proceed?" Pharro asked,

It was my job to conduct this part. But I found myself hesitating. He was so calm. Too calm. Did he know something we didn't? Was the test not actually going to work? Were there other ways of tricking it besides a block?

I gripped my hands together behind me and nodded. "Proceed."

I held my breath as the cable with the pin lowered toward his right temple. What would I do if it didn't work? How would I stop the executions without proof?

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now