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Chaos erupted as the Kovei carried us into the Infirmary. Pharro began yelling, Colleena and another medic may have screamed. The room went in and out of focus as I was jostled and placed on a bed.

And then I saw him come into view, holding his bandaged midsection as he rushed toward the Kovei lowering Rilyin's unmoving form onto a bed across the room.

"What happened? Was there another—another attempt?" he faltered, stumbling back, horror overtaking him as Colleena and six others swarmed Rilyin, forcing him back. "What the hell happened to his arm?"

"We don't know yet," Colleena said quickly before resuming directing her staff.

He stared and stared at Rilyin's face for several, agonizing moments, his eyes wide and unblinking, his chest heaving as he continued to grip his midsection with a trembling hand, and then he shook his head.

"Colleena, what—what is happening?" His voice caught. "Why is it not kicking in?"

Colleena didn't pause. "I don't know," she said, so quietly I almost didn't hear it. "Trust us. We will do everything we can." Her eyes darted toward me. "Make sure she's alright. When one of us can spare a moment, we will get what she needs."

His expression became strained. "She is not a priority," he growled. "No one is to go near her until he is stabilized." He shot a threatening, black-eyed look at all seven medics. "Is that understood?"

All but Colleena nodded.

"Go sit down before you injure yourself," she snapped. "And let us do our jobs."

A guttural growl rolled up his throat, but he swallowed it back down, shot a murderous look my way, and then crossed to Pharro by the entrance conversing with five other Kovei.

I closed my eyes. I needed to get out of here. The moment Tritteon learned what really happened, I was dead. And no one would be able to stop him. Not even me. Because everything hurt. I wouldn't be surprised if every joint that I'd used to hold up Rilyin had come out of its socket. For sure my left shoulder needed to be reinserted. But I wasn't sure how to do it myself.

Footsteps approached and I ground my teeth. Too late. It was already happening.

"Orion," Pharro said.

I blinked, the name still a surprising jolt, and flinched at the sight of Tritteon beside him, prepared to inflict a slow, agonizing death.

"I'm sorry, but we need to ask you a few questions," Pharro continued.

My heart thumped harder, pulsing loudly in my ears. I knew Tritteon could hear it. And I didn't miss his eyes darting to my left, to my hand I knew was covered in Rilyin's blood.

"Whose blood is that?" Tritteon growled.

I held his gaze, wondering if I was capable of creating a shield between us strong enough to keep him away from me. "His," I said hoarsely.

"Can you give us a description of the attacker?" Pharro asked.

I bit my lips together and shook my head.

Tritteon's eyes blackened. "No, you will not? Or no, you cannot?"

"There wasn't one," I rasped.

Pharro stiffened.

And Tritteon lunged at me before either of us could blink.

White light burst through the room, so blinding and powerful the floor shook beneath us. And when it faded away, Tritteon was on the ground and Colleena was on top of him, her glowing hand pointed at his face.

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now