Car Crashes, Coffee, and Confessions

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"Do you remember what happened the night that everything changed?" Camila asked as she sat down across from Ava

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"Do you remember what happened the night that everything changed?" Camila asked as she sat down across from Ava.

Ava shrugged, taking her cup of coffee from Mary's hand as the Sister Warrior joined them.

Camila had taken the sisters out for breakfast and coffee to get a bit of normalcy.

They were hiding in Switzerland in a little place called the Bar La Vasseur ever since Adriel escaped his tomb.

Having little moments like these made hiding easier for them all.

"I don't remember much," Ava admitted, "I was seven when our car crashed. I think it's my brain that's blocking my memories from that night with trauma and all, or maybe I was too young to remember, but it doesn't matter now."

Camila nodded.

"All I remember was waking up in a bed not being able to move. My mother was a Catholic so I was placed at St Michael's orphanage until... I died." Ava said.

It might have been best if she didn't mention that she was murdered by Sister Francis.

Beatrice, Lilith, and Yasmine pulled up chairs and sat down with Camila, Mary, and Ava.

"Did you ever find out who hit your car?" Mary asked. Ava shook her head.

"I've had my fair share of thoughts on what I'd do if I knew who it was, and if I'm being honest, I've moved on. I've accepted the fact that I may never know who killed my mother and left me paralyzed." Ava confessed.

No one expected that.

Ava had grown so much since the sisters' first encounter with her in Jillian's laboratory where Beatrice had tranquilized the younger woman.

Ava had matured more and become more wise. The Sister Warriors had started to rub off on her.

The Halo Bearer listened more and read more of the Warrior Nun journal entries.

She began to take the role as the Warrior Nun more seriously.

"Of course a part of me will always want to know who hit us that night. A part of me will always be yearning for closure but I've realized that I wouldn't even know where to start. I've come to terms with not knowing." Ava concluded, taking another drink of her coffee.

Everyone sat in silence for the following minutes, sipping on their drinks.

"Did you ever have your suspicions of who did it?" Beatrice asked. Ava shook her head again.

"Like I said, I barely remember anything from that night. I couldn't even tell you the color of the car." Ava replied.

"Do you know if the person got arrested?" Yasmine asked. Ava looked down at the brown, warm liquid in her mug.

"I can only hope that he got the right punishment." Ava responded.

"Who are you and what have you done with Ava Silva?" Mary teased. Ava cracked a smile and chuckled softly.

"Well, being around you guys has changed how I see things. There's more than just good and evil, black and white. There's a gray area, context to things. You should get both sides to the story before taking sides and judging." Ava stated.

Beatrice smiled to herself proudly.

She had talked many times with Ava about perspective and how you never know what people were going through.

She believed that people should get a second chance before writing them off as something they weren't.

Ava took those talks seriously and applied them to her everyday life.

Sure it wasn't always easy, but Ava tried her best to not clap back at rude customers or impatient buyers.

You never knew what strangers had going on in their lives. There was no need to add onto the shit they were already dealing with.

"Do you guys want to walk around the town?" Camila asked, "I saw some good shops on the way here. Might be good to get some new clothes."

Everyone nodded and finished up their drinks and food.

Ava couldn't get enough of the streets of Switzerland.

She loved the smell of stores that they passed and the culture of the people and country. She loved traveling in general.

She loved to witness all there was in the world and sightseeing. Besides, everything was better in person than on TV.

Ava also loved spending time in new places with her friends, especially Beatrice.

Both knew about each other's feelings for each other but didn't dare confront one another about them.

They couldn't risk their friendship over a hunch.

Beatrice felt Ava's hand slip into hers as they trailed behind Lilith and Mary.

Camila and Yasmine had turned into one of the many shops along the street, giggling as they entered the building.

"Can I tell you something that I've only told one person?" Ava asked. Beatrice gave the younger girl a warm and reassuring smile.

"Of course, Ava. You can tell me anything." Beatrice replied. Ava took a deep breath and scanned the inside of windows of clothing shops.

"I never got to find my own style until now. I know that we haven't been in Switzerland for a long time, but I feel like myself now that I've gotten a chance to choose what I wear. When I first met JC and his friends, Chanel helped me with clothes, but it didn't fully feel like me. Being with you- and the others- really helped me find who I am style wise." Ava admitted.

Beatrice stared at Ava with compassion.

"I'm glad that you're starting to figure out who you are. It took me a while to find who I was." Beatrice said.

Ava smiled up at the nun and squeezed her hand softly.

They continued to wander for store to store, buying items here and there for themselves and their apartment.

By the time they decided to head back and meet up with the other sisters, they're arms were carrying a few paper bags each.

"Can I be honest with you since we're doing confessions and all?" Beatrice asked.

Her heart began to race as the words spilled from her lips. Ava set her bags down, giving Beatrice her full attention.

"Always." Ava responded. Beatrice dropped her bags as well. She steadied her breathing and turned to face Ava completely.

"I am, and have been for a while now, definitely, totally, overwhelmingly in love with you." Beatrice whispered.

Ava's eyes widened and her face turned red from blush.

Beatrice looked down at the ground, fiddling with her fingers as she waited for Ava's reply.

"Bea, I'm in love with you too, and I have been for some time." Ava said.

Beatrice looked up at the Halo Bearer with the same amount of shock that Ava had on her face.

Ava closed the distance between them, planting a gentle kiss on the nun's cheek.

"And I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to take the next step." Ava said.

She gathered her bags and led Beatrice down the street back to their apartment.

The Sister Warrior couldn't help but grin and touch the spot that Ava's lips had set ablaze.

"Ava," Beatrice started as they arrived at the front door of their apartment, "would you like to go out with me tomorrow? On a date?"

Ava broke out into a grin as she crushed Beatrice in a hug. They stayed in each other's embrace for a moment before Ava answered.

"Are you kidding? I would love to, Bea!"

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