The Five Senses of Avatrice (Sight)

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Ava enjoyed the outdoors as much as any hiker or camper would

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Ava enjoyed the outdoors as much as any hiker or camper would.

The smell of the trees and grass, the gentle cool breeze, the gentle rattle of branches and leaves, the softness and roughness of the ground.

Ava loved it all.

It helped her a lot with becoming balanced when it came to her senses.

She had so much to experience and was easily overwhelmed when it came to anything new.

She laid down in a patch of sun lit grass, the greenery warm from the sun's heat.

Ava loved to run her hands through the blades of grass, feeling every little tickle and light stab of each green strand.

She loved the feeling of the sun on her face, keeping her warm and cozy.

She loved the smell of fresh air mixed with the aromas of nature.

Ava had found a secret spot just over the hill of the outdoor training area.

It had just the right amount of sunlight and the perfect view of the mountains around her.

It was her own little haven, especially if she had training scheduled with Lilith.

The Halo Bearer found herself coming to this place often in search of peace and balance.

It was the only place where she could be surrounded by life without being interrupted by her sisters or her thoughts. It was outdoor bliss.

Or that was until someone discovered her hiding spot.

Ava felt a darkness appear in front of her eyelids. She mentally groaned that the object blocked the warmth of the sun.

Someone had found her little slice of paradise. Well it was nice while it lasted.

"So this is where you disappear to?" A familiar asked. It was a rhetorical question, but Ava nodded nonetheless.

The younger woman squinted as her eyes made out the figure blocking the rays of heat. It was Beatrice, which didn't surprise Ava.

If anything, the nun took Ava's breath away.

Beatrice stood there in her usual black button up and black slacks, strong arms crossed in front of her chest.

Her hair was tied back in a tight bun, bits of her hair framing the sides of her face.

The sun provided a glow that outlined the taller woman, making her look heavenly.

Ava couldn't help but stare.

Beatrice's brown eyes sparkled with amusement, her freckles prominent against tan skin.

She looked like a goddess in Ava's eyes. Beatrice shook her head at Ava's lingering gaze, chuckling.

"Didn't Lilith ever tell you that staring was rude?" Beatrice teased as she took a seat beside Ava.

Ava's brain didn't register the nun's words. Her mind was just filled with the woman next to her.

"You're beautiful." Ava breathed out before the Halo Bearer could stop herself.

Beatrice's teasing composure slipped slightly, a blush creeping up on her cheeks and ears.

The older woman looked down at the ground as she felt Ava's eyes on her. Beatrice was never really good with compliments.

Ava's brain finally came to, snapping her out of the trance Beatrice seemed to put her in whenever the nun was around.

"Shit- sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything- I mean it though- you are quite pretty-"

Ava wished Lilith had put her out of her misery during training.

Beatrice smiled and chuckled at Ava's rambling.

"It's okay, Ava. I'm just not used to such compliments." Beatrice said, taking Ava's hand in hers.

Ava looked down at the ground, hoping that her face and ears weren't as red as they felt.

Ava felt a gentle hand cup her chin. Beatrice lifted Ava's head to make the Warrior Nun look at her.

The shorter woman sucked in a breath as she realized how close they were.

She studied Beatrice's eyes, mentally mapping out the specks of gold in the nun's chocolate brown irises.

She took in the Sister Warrior's pink dusted cheeks and her slightly chapped lips.

She memorized the arch in Beatrice's eyebrows and the bend in the nun's eyelashes.

Ava analyzed everything that was Beatrice.

She noticed that Beatrice was studying her with the same intensity.

Ava had always been grateful for her senses, especially her sight.

For the longest time, it was how she expressed emotion, if it wasn't her voice, and how she was able to live the majority of her life.

There wasn't a lot to experience from television, but she had picked up some valuable information from survival shows of sorts.

But looking at Beatrice made Ava appreciate her sight much more.

TV would never give Ava the same experience as she was feeling now.

Ava felt as if she had laid eyes on an angel. Beatrice was Ava's angel sent from Heaven.

Ava had never been religious, but she had complete faith in Beatrice, without a doubt.

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