Confusion is Key

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"Ava- are you even paying attention?" Beatrice asked

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"Ava- are you even paying attention?" Beatrice asked. Her question was answered due to the lack of Ava's response.

She was watching the new recruits train, completely absorbed in lessons that weren't her own.

The Halo Bearer gasped as she felt her feet fly out from under her, causing her to land on her back with a dull thud.

"What the hell was that for?" Ava asked as she took Beatrice's extended hand.

"Your lesson for today. The element of surprise and stealth is key." Beatrice replied calmly.

Ava rolled her eyes, rubbing her tailbone.

"What's the point of combat training anyway? Mary doesn't have to do this shit." Ava said as she matched Beatrice's ready stance.

"You can't just rely on the Halo. You and I know that it has its limits. You need to be able to hold your own when the Halo is depleted." Beatrice explained.

"But I also have you guys. I trust you all completely and I know that you all would have my back." Ava said as she sidestepped Beatrice's jab.

"Yes, but we can't always be beside you all the time. We'll have challenges of our own." Beatrice retorted.

The nun batted away Ava's attempt at a punch as the two circled one another.

"There are more tactics to throw an opponent off than punching your way out, you know." Ava said as she ducked before Beatrice's heel came in contact with her skull.

"Like what? Talking your way out of it? Ava, these people will be trying to kill you." Beatrice quipped.

"I was leaning towards confusion but I bet I could talk my way out of being murdered." Ava said, grinning as Beatrice stopped momentarily.

"Confusion? Give an example." Beatrice commanded softly. Ava shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. It's like asking someone if they want sand when said person is mad at you. It distracts them from their initial task." Ava explained.

She slowly walked towards Beatrice as she talked, which the nun didn't pick up on.

If Beatrice was honest, she was too busy looking at Ava to notice anything else.

It was a blessing and curse that Mother Superion had given her the task of training Ava in combat.

She would never admit it out loud, but she often found herself distracted by the younger woman.

And she was clueless to the fact that Ava was taking advantage of that weakness.

"If someone wanted to kill me, I could just confuse or distract them from doing that very thing." Ava said, suddenly in front of the Sister Warrior.

She poked the taller woman on the shoulder as she grinned.

"Well would you look at that. I laid a finger on you after all, sister." Ava remarked, snickering.

She rose slightly on her tiptoes and kissed Beatrice's cheek as she grinned and giggled.

The nun stood there in shock for a few moments, her eyes wide.

Ava ducked down, sweeping Beatrice's legs from under her with her leg like Beatrice had done minutes before.

The older woman grunted as she landed on the ground, dazed slightly.

"You're wrong," Ava started, extremely pleased with herself, "confusion is key."

Beatrice grumbled unpleasantries as she got up from the ground, brushing her clothes off briskly.

"Alright, Ava. Get in your ready stance." Beatrice ordered.

Ava gave her a cocky smile as she did as she was told.

Beatrice cocked her head to the side, cracking her neck slightly, her eyes narrowing.

Ava's smile faltered.

"Oh shit." Ava mumbled. Ava squealed as Beatrice took a step forward.

"Wait, wait, okay, hold on. Let's talk about this. Admit it, I'm a little right- hey!" Ava jumped back as Beatrice advanced again.

Beatrice lunged forward, grabbed Ava by her shoulders and tackled her to the ground.

Ava's eyes widened as she wrestled for control. She swore and protested as the two grappled and rolled on the battlements.

Beatrice pinned the younger woman's arm against her back, holding Ava down against the ground.

"Yield." Beatrice hissed as she breathed heavily.

Ava thrashed against Beatrice's hold, trying to get herself out of the predicament.

"Fuck." Ava cursed as she panted and eventually went slack, giving up.

"No no, go on. Confuse me, distract me. Talk me into letting you go." Beatrice said, her tone cutting into Ava's heart.

Ava hit her hand on the ground repeatedly, tapping out.

Beatrice released her and got off the girl, the two sitting beside each other.

"Alright, you've made your point. I get it, I need to take these lessons seriously. But I don't want to hurt people. My whole life I've been told that I'm a burden and that I hurt those around me. I'm done hurting people." Ava said.

She rubbed her wrist, sighing. Beatrice scooted closer, pulling the Halo Bearer between her legs.

Ava leaned into Beatrice's chest, letting herself sink into the warm feeling of the nun's arms around her middle.

"I know," Beatrice whispered, "but we can't be there to protect you at all times. I can't be there to keep you safe a hundred percent of the time. If I could, believe me I would."

Ava smiled weakly. "I don't want to be a burden to you and the sisters." Ava confessed.

Beatrice gently ran her fingers through Ava's hair, kissing the girl's temple.

"You were never a burden, even while you were quadriplegic." Beatrice reassured.

"Those nuns were just awful and not a good representation of who we are." Beatrice said.

Ava sighed and wiggled her toes.

She took joy in even the smallest things like moving her toes or lifting her fingers.

She often found herself moving her fingers or feet subconsciously. She just loved to be able to move. She moved any time she could.

Beatrice stood up, picking Ava up with her.

"Come on. Let's finish today's training session and then we can go to the library. I think that we'll be able to find some less violent ways to get you out of trouble that don't require the use of the Halo." Beatrice said.

Ava smiled up at her as she spoke.

"Sounds like a plan."

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