Kicks and Kisses

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"Today we'll be working on defense

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"Today we'll be working on defense." Beatrice said as she and Ava arrived at the outdoor training area.

Ava groaned mentally.

She wasn't a fan of defense, especially if the training lesson involved a weapon of sorts.

Defense wasn't her strong suit when it came to combat. Everyone knew that.

"Please don't tell me that we're sparring with sticks today." Ava said. Beatrice chuckled softly and shook her head.

"We're going to be working on hand to hand defense." Beatrice replied.

Ava didn't know if that was better or worse.

They stood a handful of feet away from each other on the grass, discussing defense tactics and when and where to use them.

Although Ava would never admit it out loud, she was only half listening to what Beatrice was saying.

Her eyes wandered from Beatrice's perfect face and eyes and the countryside around them.

Ava noticed how tan the taller woman had gotten and how her muscles had become more defined since they had returned from Switzerland.

"Are you ready?" Beatrice asked, snapping Ava out of her thoughts and intense gaze.

"Hm? Oh yeah. Let's do this." Ava responded. She knew damn well that she wasn't ready. Not even the slightest bit prepared.

The two got into their ready stances, the pair slowly beginning to circle each other, waiting for the other to make a move.

Beatrice advanced first, kicking her leg up towards the side of Ava's head.

It wouldn't be enough force to do any damage, but it would be enough to get the younger woman's attention.

Ava ducked at the last second, pushing Beatrice's leg away from her body. Beatrice spun around, kicking her leg out in an attempt to kick Ava's stomach.

Ava side stepped and swung her forearm to make contact with Beatrice's back.

The nun dove out of the way, swinging her leg to try to trip Ava. The Halo Bearer hadn't anticipated this and landed with a thud onto her back.

'Shit.' Ava cursed mentally. She grunted as she got up, her hands ready for Beatrice's next attack.

They traded punches and kicks, Beatrice landing more blows than Ava, but Ava hit Beatrice gently nonetheless.

Ava was probably more impressed with herself than Beatrice was.

Ava and Beatrice had trained for several days in Switzerland and Ava liked to think that she learned some of the nun's fighting style.

Of course the older woman combined different forms of martial arts in order to keep her opponent on their toes and to become unpredictable, but Ava had picked up on certain moves and how to counter them.

Beatrice sent a kick straight for Ava's chest.

Ava grabbed the nun's leg right above her ankle, twisting the limb gently to the right, causing Beatrice to stumble.

Ava didn't let go of Beatrice's leg, making the Sister Warrior hop on one leg.

Ava grinned as she saw the slight annoyance on the nun's face, but her smile quickly faltered.

Beatrice jumped off her leg, twisting her body in order to get her free leg to wrap around Ava's head.

Beatrice used her momentum to bring both of them rolling to the ground.

Ava yelped in surprise as she tried to get herself out of Beatrice's viper-like thigh grip.

Ava eventually wiggled her way out of the predicament, quickly getting up to pin Beatrice to the ground in order to win the point.

Both were breathing heavily as they stared at each other.

"Gotcha." Ava whispered, her eyes fixed on Beatrice's brown eyes.

She took note of the flecks of gold in each iris and how her eyes complimented the freckles on the nun's cheeks.

"That was a decent move, but I would've done it slightly differently than you." Beatrice whispered back.

"Why didn't you twist my leg? You would've had me pinned minutes ago?" Beatrice asked.

Ava shrugged.

"I didn't want to hurt you." Ava replied. Beatrice smiled warmly at the confession.

It never failed to surprise her how caring and gentle Ava was with her.

It was refreshing.

Both fell into a comfortable silence, neither of them making an effort to move.

Their faces were inches away from each other, both of their gazes fixed on one another's lips.

"You gonna keep staring or do something about it?" Ava asked softly.

There was a hint of tease in her voice but not a trace of anything pressing.

Beatrice swallowed as she nodded, slowly moving closer, rising to her elbows to get a better look at Ava.

"Only if you're okay with it." Beatrice replied. Ava nodded as she cupped the Sister Warrior's cheeks.

"I'm very okay with it." Ava replied.

They two leaned in, their lips brushing against each other gently.

The two would never say it to anyone, but they had been waiting for this moment since Switzerland.

Beatrice went in for a second kiss, which Ava obliged, kissing the nun back with a sense of desire.

They only stopped when Ava tapped Beatrice squarely in the chest.

"I get a point. Looks like I won." Ava said teasingly.

Ava stood up, offering Beatrice her hand. Beatrice took it happily, barely containing the amount of joy she felt.

'Yeah, same.' Beatrice thought as she laughed. Ava pulled Beatrice close by her waist and kissed her again.

"We should do defense training more often if it's like this." Ava whispered as she planted a kiss on Beatrice's cheek.

Beatrice wrapped her arms around Ava's neck, grinning from ear to ear as she kissed Ava's forehead.

"Agreed." Beatrice replied.

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