Bar Fights and Blushing

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Ava had always been protective of her friends, especially on missions and during her shifts at the bar

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Ava had always been protective of her friends, especially on missions and during her shifts at the bar.

People constantly hitting on the sisters while they hung around Ava and Beatrice during their work hours tended to make Ava go into "mama bear mode".

Of course most people didn't mean any harm, and they took rejection well, but others didn't excel in that area.

It would get to the point where Hans would have to throw them out after one of the Sister Warrior's kicked the person's ass.

It was usually Mary or Camila.

Occasionally, customers would flirt with Ava herself but she paid no attention to it.

There was only one person on her list that she was interested in.

That person happened to be her boss, her roommate, her mentor, her best friend.

Ava wanted Beatrice and no one else.

Ava caught on quickly that she got jealous easily, and she tried desperately to ignore the burning flame of anger that sparked in her chest whenever someone touched or talked to Beatrice.

It was a maddening cycle of insecurity and jealousy.

The more the sisters stayed in the Swiss Alps, the more Ava found herself falling more for Beatrice.

That made her jealousy and possessiveness grow worse and worse.

She never took any action whenever someone was flirting with the nun, but it was evident on Ava's face that she disapproved.

She would scowl or contort her face in disgust at the person and would mess up customers orders as she bored holes in the backs of people's heads.

It wasn't a good situation for either Ava or the buyer.

Beatrice, on the other hand, was well aware of Ava's jealousy.

She felt the Halo Bearer's eyes on her throughout their shifts, and secretly enjoyed Ava's possessiveness.

It made her feel wanted and confident.

The nun knew that her feelings for Ava were only just beginning, and seemed to be blossoming more and more every day.

Although Beatrice would never confess it to any one, not even God, she had her fair share of jealous moments whenever someone flirted with the Warrior Nun.

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