Chapter 7

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POV: Frank

The past two weeks where as normal as it could get. We usually now sat at the table with Jason's sister Thalia and her friends and schoolwork wasn't that much so It was pretty chill.

As I entered school that day Percy came towards me. "Hey Frank, todays tryouts for the extra after school activity's right?" "Wait, that's today?" Shit I had been to swept up with everything else I totally forgot. I really wanted to try out for the fencing and sword fighting team since that sounded cool and they also train archery wich I'm pretty good at. The school always gave us free after lunch so we had time for tryouts, this year was no different.

"Thanks for telling me anyways, I gotta get to class. Have fun with Annabeth in Maths", I waved him while laughing. "Very funny. But don't you have Art with Hazel now?" Percy really was good at comebacks. But he was right I had art with Hazel now, so what? It's not like I have a crush on her or anything.

As I entered the Art quarter's, most of the students were already ready there. I made my way to one of the last free seats next to Rachel. "Can I sit here?" Rachel who was talking to Connor looked up. Conner waved me. "Sure why not" Suddenly Hazel burst in. "I'm sorry if I'm late!", she blurted out, then she checked the wach. "Oh I'm fine, false alarm" Many started laughing including me. The teacher shook her head, but I could see a trace of a smile on her face.

Hazel turned towards us and winked at Rachel. When she saw me she stiffened a little, great she couldn't stand me. She walked over to us, gave Rachel a glare who giggled and asked: "Sorry, uhm can I sit here?" "Sure",I told her. "Thanks", she said smiling at me, now I was confused.

As everyone had settled down, the teacher began to speak: "So I have a Projekt for you. You and your seat mate have to draw each other's portrait", loud grumbling broke out "but, you have to describe their personality in that portrait." Now everyone was quiet. "You may beginn", she told us. I turned towards Hazel. "Hi, uhm so your Hazel Nico's sister right?" "Yeah and your one of the idiots that he calls his friends, right?", she said this while laughing. I wanted to be offended but I couldn't I had to grin along with her. "Right, that's me. My names Frank by the way." "I figured" Wait she new my name? I don't know why but I kinda got a weird feeling in my stomach.

———— time skip to after class————

"So you trying out for anything?", I asked Hazel as we walked to lunch. "Well no not really. But I'm gonna watch the one Reyna wanted to audition for. Annabeth has some sort of plan no one knows about. She always has."

We went straight to our usual table and sat down, everyone except Annabeth was already there. "Where's Annabeth?", Piper who also just walked in with Clarise asked. "Said something about joining us later in math", Calypso told us while eating her sandwich. "Really she did?", Percy asked as he took out a blue cookie, He always ate those things. As Piper saw this she looked stumped like it reminded her of something but she couldn't find out what. That was weird anyways lunch was nearly over and I still wanted to eat something so, I didn't give it any further thought.

————time skip to after lunch————

As we made our way to the fencing and sword fighting try outs (we endet up all going) I started to get nervous. What if I didn't make the archery team? I'd make a total fool of myself in front of Hazel. Wait why was I thinking about Hazel? I mean I don't have... Oh my God I have a crush on Hazel Levesque! Nico's gonna kill me!

"Hey, Frank you okay?" I started to speak until I noticed who it was. "Oh yeah I'm fine... Hi Hazel how ya doing?", God I was an Idiot. "Fine thanks, U sure you're okay? I mean you look really pale." "Yep I'm fine a little crazy but fine, are you crazy?", what was I doing?! I swear if I kept doing this I'll commit suicide. "Who isn't crazy?", Hazel asked and surprisingly she laughed by saying this.

Finally we reached the gymnasium. A scrawny blond guy stood before the door. I think he was called Octavian or something. "You guys here for tryouts? State your names. Girls aren't allowed, since we don't want anyone hurt or crying on the floor. Got that?", He told us. "Is there a way you could be any more sexist?", Thalia shook her head. As we entered the gym, Reyna "accidentally" kneed Octavian in the gut as she went past. He wasn't to happy. We all got seats after we checked the schedule.

First there'd be Sword-fighting and fencing

Second Combat

Third (finally) archery

So Jason, Percy, Connor, Travis and Nico wanted to try out for the sword fighting and maby fencing. I wanted to do archery. "Hey guys, I didn't know you'd be here", I looked up to find Will smiling at us. Nico sank evan deeper into his seat. poor guy I think he maybe had a crush on Will and I know how disturbing a crush can be.

"Hello everyone and thank you for showing up", Quintus our substitute gym teacher told us. I wasn't sure if I was happy about coach Hedge being ill or not. "I'm your co conductor next to coach Hedge in this class. So everyone who wants to try out for sword fighting please put on the fencing costumes, they'll do just fine. Don't forget the headpieces. Once you've all changed I will pair you up and you show us what you got. Oh and you can choose your weapon from the table over there, the costumes should stand them", he explained. (I have no idea what costumes they wear by sword fighting, and I know no teacher would be that irresponsible but it's for the sake of the story so just go with it.)

The boys, except me and Will all filed into the changing rooms. As they got out I barely recognized them, but then everyone but one guy took of their helmets. The guy who didn't, was small next to Percy and Jason, but something about the posture was intimidating. Who was that guy? "So first up we got Percy Jackson and Miles Arondale!", Quintus told us Octavian standing next to him. I felt sorry for that Miles kid. Percy was as good as sword fighting as he was in swimming, and he made captain this year.

Percy chose a long sword the name Anaklusmos was etched on its hilt. Funny that means riptide Percy has a pen he calls that name. The other kid also chose a sword, but it wasn't as long."POSITIONS! And go!", Oktavian yelled. Who ever gave that guy authority was an Idiot. Poor Miles, he was on the floor in no time,, Percy's sword at his throat. Everyone was quiet for a while then Quintus asked: "Would anyone else like to fight against mr. Jackson?"


„I would", the only Person who hadn't taken of their helm spoke I knew that voice but I couldn't define it. I looked to my right to see Hazel and Piper shaking their heads in disbelief and Thalia grinning like a mad woman. „Well.. sure, whats your name?" „You don't have to know that yet", who was that? The guy stepped forward and examined the weapons. Percy's face showed curiosity I could see he also knew the voice but didn't know from where. Then the guy turned again holding a dagger. A dagger against a sword, that person was crazy.

„POSITIONS..." they had already started. The guy countered every attack Percy brought. Soon it was a mess. Percy attacked the guy, he defended and countered and attacked again. Everyone screamed I think I evan heard a „go Annie" but I wasn't sure. After about 5 minutes it all endet. But there was no winner. Percy's sword arm was at the back of the Person where riptide lay at their neck. But the guys dagger was at Percy's throat. Whoa that guy was good!

„You guys are both on the team I didn't expect any guy in the school to be that good!", Quintus smiled at them. Oktavian nodded at them half heartedly. Someone started to laugh, it took me a while to notice it was Percy's Opponent. „Bold of you to assume, I mean who said I was a guy?", as he said that everything made Sence. The person pulled of their mask and all was quiet. „To answer your question my name is Annabeth, Annabeth Chase"

So this was the longest chapter yet. I mean who knew it would be Annabeth (okay literally everyone knew) Well I hope you liked it!

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