Chapter 16

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POV:   Hazel

"Psst, wake up", someone whisperd in my ear. "Piper?", I groaned. "Shhhhh! Quiet, no ones supposed to wake up" "I just did", I told her closing my eyes again. It's to late for this, or should I say early? What time was it. "Please Haze, I need to discuss something with all of you", Piper begged. "Fine but never wake me again at this hour. How late is it anyways or early? I should get a watch" "thank you your the best! Btw It's 2:00 o clock in the morning", she told me while helping me up. "It's what!?" "Shhhh" I heard the others who where standing around us say. I hadn't noticed them to this moment. I stared at all of them bewildered. "That's it I'm going back to bed, have a good night!"

About 2min. and a lot of arguing later, including Thalia threatening me that she would pour coke over my face if I wouldn't get up. I followed Piper, Calypso, Thalia, Reyna, Katie and Clarisse out of the gym. Will was there to, but I didn't mind, the guys nice. Annabeth and Rachel where missing. Rachel wasn't there cause she and Connor had been holding hands in their sleep, so Piper let them be. (Not before taking a Foto) I wished that Frank would have hold my Hand or something. I could be sleeping if he had. Oh well... I'd have to daydream of it.

"Where's Annabeth?", I asked while suppressing a yawn. Everyone ignored me, how nice.

"Guy's so you know how Annabeth has a blue cookie as a soulmate tattoo?", Piper asked. We nodded, we had all showed each other our tattoos the moment we got it, like seriously I had my friends burst into my house on my 13th Birthday and they where like: WhatsYourTattoo I'm like happy birthday to you too... Anyways we all know each other's tattoos.

"Wait Annabeths tattoo is a blue cookie?", Will asked. (Well all except Will) We all nodded. "Well that's odd" "Don't tell anyone"

"Back to the topic last week in the cafeteria I noticed something weird, Tonight I woke up and finally realized what: Percy loves blue cookies", she said and was really exited about it. That was weird. "Yeah I know, and?", I asked. Now everyone was staring at me again, Great. I hated being center of attention.

Then it hit me "Oh my gods Percy is Annabeths Soulmate!", I yelled then clasped a hand over my mouth, "Sorry that was a little loud" "Hazel, you know Percy like your whole life already, and know Annabeth like the half of it. How didn't you count 1 and 1 together!", Clarisse asked. "Im not good with maths!", I told her apologetically. "Why are you all so suprised Not like it's anything new, I still don't understand why you woke me up for something I already knew", Thalia shrugged. "That was my second question if you knew Thals, why didn't you tell us?", Calypso asked. "You didn't ask", Thalia shrugged.

"It is to early for this", Reyna sighed.

Suddenly a redheaded figure burst in. "What are you talking about? And does anyone have coffee? Wait the Teachers staff room..." "No, Rachel were not breaking into the Teachers staffroom for coffee!", Katie scolded her. "Well I'm in, who else is coming?", Thalia asked. "Do they have hot chocolate? And Sorry Rachel for not waking you we just...", I started to talk but Rachel interrupted me. "I don't care I'm getting my coffee, you can explain what you where doing here on the way there" Rachel marched to the doors we all followed her. "Oh for heavens sake", Katie threw her hands in the air while swearing, then followed us to the staff room.

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