Chapter 31

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—-girls group chat—-

Annie: SoS! Piper's in the hospital cause of a crash, Jason's there. I'm going there now!


POV: Annabeth

That's all I could do. Tell the others. That was an hour ago but still no one checked their phones.
And sitting in the waiting room didn't help Piper in any way.
I saw one on Tristen Mc Leans secretary's come out of Pipers room a while ago she was on her phone talking.
Hopefully to Pipers dad, but probably to some model agency or something.
The possibility that he would show up here himself weren't that high.

At least Percy was here with me.
How can one evening go from okay to the best to the worst?
When I told him what was going on he didn't even hesitate before he drove us here. I don't remember much from after I got Jasons message, but I do recall Percy's arms around me.

Now we were sitting next to each other in the waiting room of the hospital, his hand already red from my tight grip. But he didn't let go.

"This is taking to long", I muttered looking around nervously. That's when I saw the nurse eyeing the people in the waiting room, and then taking a b-line to where we were sitting.
"Hi, are you Annabeth Chase?", She asked with a worried smile.
"Yes, how's Piper?", I asked straight away that was the only reason she could have known my name, Jason must have told her that I'm friends with Piper.

"Well everything's fine actually, she just didn't wake up yet... even though it's been 2hours...", the nurse said looking down at her feet.
"Well can we see her? Maybe our presence will help wake her up", even though it was a sarcastic question I wished it was true, Piper had to wake up.

The nurse eyed me skeptically and then sighed, "Sure, her boyfriends already there too might as well bring in the lot"

POV: Jason

Piper hadn't woken yet and I'm not sure what to think of that. Sure I wanted her to wake up don't get me wrong, but I d sure have a lot to explain.
"Here we are", I heard the voice of the friendly nurse who had asked me a lot of questions.

I turned to find Annabeth and Percy behind her.
First said immediately ran over to Pipers side, second looking at me with raised eyebrows.
"Boyfriend huh?", he asked grinning.
"No, no I just said that so I could stay at her side. But I did confess right before... it's because of me, I distracted her...", I said blinking back tears again.
"Hey, it's gonna be fine. Piper is going to be fine."
Percy said patting me on the back.

POV: Will

Something was wrong.
First we saw Piper and Jason fighting and screaming at each other and then an hour later Annabeth collapsing in Percy's arms. Crying.
Annabeth ain't crying for no reason sooo...
I... well Nico came to the conclusion that it had something to do with Piper cause we didn't see them once after the fight.

The others seemed to be having the best times of their life's though, as so that was great.
It really looked like fun.
But I'm not complaining! I'll take being snuggled up in blankets eating snacks over a ball any day.
Especially when a certain emo guy is with me...

It's weird, I like him and I'm pretty sure he likes me too buuuuuut no one says anything.
It is really awkward.
I also don't really wanna take the first step.
I came here, now it's Nicos turn.

Over the cameras we were stalking...sorry I mean watching, Hazel and Frank and Nico seemed to be somewhat satisfied and agreeing that they would be a good couple.

"No way!"
"Mhm?", I asked. I had been almost asleep but got woken up when Nico jerked upright and started yelling.
"Is that Travis and Katie? Together? KISSING?!!!!??!!?", he yelled pointing on one of the camera videos that was showing a rather quiet corner of the gymnasium.
"WHAT? Make a screen shot", I say after gathering myself. "This is amazing", Nico says grinning with an evil glint in his eyes, "Travis owes me 50dollars and Percy owes me 20. I'm gonna be rich!!!"
"Well you owe me 30, so it's not that good", I said flashing him my best smile. He just scowls back.

"And now please change to another camara, I real don't have to see that any longer"

So this was a really short chapter I know but I really didn't know what to write anymore so yeah hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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