Chapter 2

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POV: Leo


I was late for school. 

"Oh Gods I hate first days of school." I muttered under my breath while waving goodbye to my mom. My dad Hephaestus barley ever was home, since he always was on business trips selling his tools.

I ran out the front door and straight ahead to the bus station. As I turned the corner, I just caught a glimpse of the bus driving away. Great this was just great. I cursed myself about a million times, before deciding it was probably the best, if I just walked to school. As I checked my wrist watch it said 7:48. I guess I'm running. Still cursing I started to make my way to school.

——time skip to when he gets to school——

It ok me only 7 minutes to school, that's my new personal record. Once I was there, I ran straight into the secretaries office to get my timetable. Just as I wanted to go in, I bumped into something. No, someone.

I heard curses looked up and sah a pretty girl glaring at me. She had long wavy caramel colored hair and cream colored skin. She was really pretty evan, though her excretion showed pure hatred. "Sorry, you ok?", I asked. She didn't answer, just shoved past mumbling something like: "Idiot." I was offended, no one says that to Leo Valdez! "Sorry, didn't catch that last Part Sunshine," I told her. "You Heard me right", she said. And without giving me another glance, she left.

I got my timetable and glanced at my first class, maths with mrs. Dodds. I was doomed. The bell rang exactly in that second. Leaving a bad impression on the first day of school. Only I could do that. Yay. I sighed and ran towards the classroom where my dead awaited me.

"Glad you could join us mr. Valdez", mrs. Dodds sneered as I entered the classroom. "Sorry I'm late mrs. Dodds, I really am", I said hopping she'd go easy on me. "Come here mr. Valdez. How about you answer us a simple math problem on the board?", she smiled an evil smile as she said that and I had a feeling that "simple" math Problem wouldn't be that simple.

What's (-328+47):[478-(-67)]•129 (I don't know if the problem is actually hard, I'll just pretend it is)she asked me. Lucky for me, I'm really good in physics and maths and anything, that has anything to do with Technologie. I wrote down the problem and solved it within a minute. Mrs. Dodds satisfied grin disappeared as she corrected the problem. "That is... correct", she said while gritting her teeth "Please sit down."she told me.

Percy, one of my best friends who was also in this class, gave me a thumbs up, I grinned back at him. I'ts not every day that you prove teacher wrong. I sat down on the only seat that was still free and played around with my ranch, that I kept in my pocked.

"How did you do that? That question was really hard", a quiet voice asked me. I looked up to find the girl who I bumped in to earlier sitting next to me."I have a brain sunshine and maybe a bit of talent", I told her while studying her a bit closer. She really was beautiful. She rolled her eyes at me and said: "It's Calypso, my names Calypso not sunshine." "That's nice to now sunshine, nice to know", I told her.

So that was chapter 2, I don't know if you like it or not, so if you have anything against it or something like that, feel free to leave a comment ; )

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