Chapter: 21

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—————— 2 weeks before ball——————

POV: Piper

"How many?", Hazel asked when she joined us at lunch. It was just us girls today witch I was great full for. "How many what?", I asked back in confusion. Annabeth rolled her eyes: "She means, how many guys asked you already" "Oh, that'll be four..." Hazel raised an eyebrow, "...teen", Annabeth finished the sentence. 

"And?", Calypso raised an eyebrow. What was going on here?  "Sorry what exactly do you mean?", I casually asked. "Gods, Piper, where is your brain?" Okay, I could hear that they where getting paranoid but I just couldn't concentrate. So yes about 14 guys asked me out, you'll probably be like: How in the world is that bad? Well firstly I don't even know the Names of half of them! And second, I don't know, I guess I just really want Jason to ask me out. "Hello, anyone there?", Thalia waved a hand before my face and I snapped back into reality. "Calypso meant if you already said yes to someone. Or if your waiting for my dumb, much less handsome little brother to ask you", She continued. Well that last part was arguable he is really clever and....

Okay Piper snap out of it! Gods I was completely hopeless! I sighed."You know it's not that easy to get a date Thals", this time it was Hazel that spoke. "Oh really? Just watch" We all looked at her sceptically. "Hey Reyna, let's go to the ball together", Thalia said just said across the table. Reyna looked up from her book, then shrugged and said: "Sure, why not, I'm sick of guys anyways" "Okay that doesn't count!"

POV: Katie

Okay, this was just embarrassing! Piper could choose between 14 guys, Annabeth had probably also been asked already. And then there was Thalia, THALIA had a date and I didn't, but I'm sorry what?! 

So maybe I'm over reacting. It's just, I'm waiting fore someone to ask me? That makes sense right? Well it does to me...

"I knew it!", Calypso shouted out. I was standing by the lockers with her and Rachel and waited for Thalia to arrive, who said she would give us a ride home. "You have a crush on Travis! You have a crush on Travis! Yes! I've waited my entire life for this moment!", Rachel was practically dancing around me having the hysterics. "Guys shut up..." "Who has a crush on Travis Stoll? Katie has a crush on Travis Stoll!", Rachel was still dancing and after a while Calypso joined her. "It's not that big of a deal...ugh", I groaned while wishing that the earth would kindly open up and swallow me.

"What's going on here?" Oh great now Connor's here. 3...2...1...  "Connor, it's time for plan KATSHACOT!", Rachel nearly shrieked now dancing and hopping around Connor. "NO WAY", the boy exclaimed. "Yes way! Tratie is officially sailing!" Connor joined her fangirling. (meaning they where hoping around holding hands and squealing) "Please cut it out there's people looking", I hissed while gritting my teeth. "Ups, sorry" they stopped but didn't notice they where still holding hands.

"...So are you guys a couple?", Calypso asked staring at their in twined hands. "What? Oh no" They looked down and quickly let go. "But we're going to the ball together right?", Connor asked. "Well now you said it we are, we have to take protocol of all those hopeless people unable to tell their crush they like them anyways.", Rachel answeard, then added "Well see ya guys tomorrow", with that her and Connor walked of. "Wait aren't you getting a ride from Thalia too?", I asked curious. "Oh did I forget to tell you? Connor accidentally forgot to take Travis with him, and since Thalia lives in the same street and has a free seat in her car she offered to drive him" suddenly Travis came running towards us "Connor where are my car keys?" "And that, is our cue to go, bye", Connor told us, then he and Rachel ran out of the building laughing their heads off.

"I can't believe he just stole me keys", Travis muttered under his breath as we walk to Thalia's car. "Well at least now you got teasing material", I told him trying to get a conversation going. He looked up with those gorgeous blue eyes, okay that's a bit exaggerating let's say: really beautiful deep blue eyes like the ocean that I could look into all day...Okay that was a bit much just pretend I didn't say that. "What do you mean?", he asked breaking the awkward silence. "Oh, you don't know? He's going to the ball with Rachel", I said, his face literally lit up. "Thanks, I really needed that!" "No probl...", I was cut of by Calypso. 

"Shotgun!" "I'm sorry what?", I asked her since I was to concentrated on Travis to listen. "I'm riding shotgun", she said and hopped into the front seat. That left me and Travis in the back. Together. "Oh no Thalia don't!", Calypso said her eyes widening. What was going on? Oh. "No Thalia", I also began to protest. Travis was just sitting there looking at us weirdly. I tried to lunge for Thalia's phone she had already hit the play button on the radio and was singing loud to the song that was playing. "I'll be riding shotgun under neath the hot sun feeling like a someone..." 

After a while we couldn't help it anymore and also began vibing to the song, even Travis, the car ride was over in no time wich was kinda sad since I really enjoyed the time with him... I mean with all of them.

So it's been a bit since I updated last and I'm sorry, but thank you to everyone who's reading this story it means a lot. I really hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and the story in general.

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